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"Okay listen up, princesses!"

"How come you never call me a princess?"

"Baby I-"

"Can I finish talking?"

"Yes your highness." Jackson sarcastically mumbled, ignoring Jinyoung's smirk. He only asked that question to get him in trouble with Jaebum, and it frustrates him. Sometimes Jackson regrets making Jaebum the leader of Got7 but then again he's glad he doesn't have to deal with so many responsibilities.

"Alright kiddos, we have a competition next weekend which means that we are going to have to learn and perfect a whole routine in just a couple of days."

Youngjae gasped as he heard the news, not being able to hold it in any longer. He was usually good with choreography but learning a whole routine was a lot in a week. Of course it's going to be easy for the rest of the boys because they are either naturally good dancers or had a ton of training before hand.

Jackson comes over and lightly pats Youngjae on the back, giving him a sweet smile that seemed to reassure the younger that everything will be okay. Youngjae nodded his head and sighed, letting Jackson know that he will be okay without saying a word.

"Anyway, I already picked out the song and I think a particular someone should treat me good after this." Jaebum eyed the youngest, Yugyeom, making him somewhat shrink from his glare. Jaebum chuckled and waved him off, walking over to his computer and typing in the unknown song.

As soon as the soft beat kicked in, Yugyeom's eyes widened and he ran over to Jaebum, engulfing him onto a hug.

"Thank youuuu hyuuuuuung!"

"Get off Yugs!" Jaebum barked, trying to hold in his chuckle but quickly giving up once Yugyeom started to do his aeygo.

"Um I love this song Jaebum Hyung but...isn't take you down by Chris Brown like...a grinding song?" Youngjae awkwardly asked, rocking back and forth on his feet. Jaebum chuckled and walked over to the younger, getting very close.

"That's why you should be amazing for the routine I've prepared." Jaebum whispered, causing Youngjae's breath to hitch. Youngjae didn't say anything after Jaebum walked away.

Meanwhile, the rest of the boys were doing their own thing as 2Jae had their little moment.

Yugyeom and Kumpimook were grinding on the floor as the music blasted through the speakers, everybody used to the actions barely spared them glances.

Mark was speaking to Jackson in secrecy, giggling away at something Jackson whispered into his ear.

Jinyoung stared at the two across the room, face red and hands balled into fists. Now, he knows he shouldn't be jealous because of this since Jackson has that natural charm to make everybody giggle and maybe even feel a little flustered. But he was so feeling jealous and it just became stronger as time went by.

"Okay let's get to working!" Jaebum clapped his hands, having everybody up and running in a heartbeat.

"Jackson you are starting it out so I want you to do what exactly I'm doing." Jaebum stayed, showing off the moves. Jackson smirked once he saw all the grinding and hip rotations, getting excited to see Jinyoung do them. Before executing the move perfectly, he turned around and winked at Jinyoung, having the other become flustered.

To say that that wink made him feel better was an understatement. It was like he totally forgot about the whole Mark and Jackson situation. Everything will be okay.


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