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"Another trophy to add to our collection!" Jinyoung cheered, carrying the oversized trophy in one hand and Jackson's hand in the other. Jackson let out a high-pitched giggle and kissed his boyfriends cheek, not being able to get over Jinyoung's cuteness.

Jinyoung smiles warmly at Jackson and continued walking to their car, ignoring the yelling coming from their friends.

An obnoxiously loud honk blasted into Jinyoung's ears and his eyes were squinted from the bright car lights. This finally made him come back to reality and he knew what was going to come next. So, he just stood and waited for the impact of the car.

With one quick movement, Jackson was able to move Jinyoung out of the way. Becoming off balance, Jackson fell on top of Jinyoung with a loud "oof" slipping from both boys mouths.

Before Jinyoung knew it, tears were falling and loud sobs were echoing the dark rode. With the thought of almost dying, everything went black and no sounds were heard.

Jackson widened his eyes and lightly shook the boy, giving up when he realized he wasn't going to wake up that very second. So, he picked him up bridled style and carried him to the car.

"Jackson Hyung! Is Jinyoung Hyung Okay?" Yugyeom caught up with the two with tears spilling from his eyes. Yugyeom hasn't seen what was going on, but he heard the yells and just hoped everything was okay.

"He's unconscious right now, probably from shock, but he didn't get hurt. Jinyoungie should be awa-"

"IS OUR MOM OKAY?" Youngjae yelled, pulling Jaebum and Mark along with him. Kumpimook caught out with everybody last, panting like he had just ran a marathon. Jackson nodded and placed the knocked out boy in the front seat, making sure he was comfortable as possible.

Jackson rushed into the other side and urged the rest to get inside, not wanting to stay in the dark and creepy parking lot anymore. As soon as they got in, Jackson sped off without a word.

A half an hour later, Jinyoung stirred in his sleep and faced towards Jackson, unknowingly placing his hand on top of Jackson's hand that was resting on his thigh. He smiled at his boyfriend, pouting after he realized he still wasn't awake.

Looking through his mirror, he checked if any of the boys were awake which of course, they weren't. Kumpimook rested his head onto Yugyeom's shoulder with Yugyeom resting his head against the window. Mark was currently laying his head onto Jaebum's lap as he had his head resting onto Youngjae's head, and Youngjae laying his head onto Jaebum's shoulder.

"Jinyoungie." Jackson cooed, squeezing the youngers thigh. Almost immediately, Jinyoung opened his eyes but then quickly closed them, not wanting to wake up since he was having such a nice dream.

"Baby are you okay?" Rubbing his thigh with his hand, Jackson kept his voice soft and quiet. Jinyoung cutely rubbed at his eyes and pouted as he sat up and crossed his legs onto the seat.

"I was having an amazing dream." Jackson lowly laughed and shook his head, not being able to believe that's what Jinyoung was caring about at the moment. Jinyoung leaned over and quickly kissed his boyfriends cheek, mumbling a goodnight and falling back to sleep.

"Ah crazy kid..."


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