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"How's your ass, Wang?" an older student, Daesung, yelled from the other side of the classroom as Jackson walked in with Jaebum. Smirking, Jackson walked right up to Daesung and planted his hands on his desk.

"Better than yours will ever feel." And with that, walked away all while trying not to limp. To be quite honest, his ass has never felt this much pain since him and Jaebum were experimenting with each other.

Jaebum let out a small chuckle as he watched the younger trying to walk over to his seat, a small limp catching his eye.

"Jinyoung was topping last night?" Jaebum whispered so no one else could hear. He was thankful that the professor wasn't here yet, which let the two talk about last night events.

"Oh yes he was. I didn't know he was so...strong and just wow." Jackson was at a lost for words. Last night was amazing and to say that he wanted to be dominant again after what Jinyoung did was a lie.

"Me and Youngjae were coming back from the studio and when we walked passed your rooms, I literally heard skin slapping and oo fuck me Jinyoung!" Jaebum smirked. Jackson's eyes widen and gasped in shock, making the other to burst out in loud laughter.

Soon enough, the professor came in and began their lesson. Between Jackson's thoughts of Jinyoung and Jaebum's constant phone buzzing, he couldn't focus.

How the hell did Jinyoung learn to be like that?

"GOT7 EMERGENCY!" Yugyeom and BamBam ran into the room screaming. Everybody went quiet as they stared at the first years panting and urging the two members to move their asses.

The professor was just about ready to throw the two out until Jackson and Jaebum ran up and out of the classroom. They both shrugged at each other as they heard their professor yelling at them. It's not like he can throw them out, Kunpimook's family runs it.

As all four boys ran, Jackson finally questioned what was actually going on.

"Nothing. Just was bored." Kunpimook said in between breaths. Halting as they heard this, Jackson and Jaebum glared at the two evil maknaes.

"Did you do this to anybody else?" Jaebum asked, trying to hold down his anger. Even though he could care less about that class and school in general, he was currently failing that class.

"Youngjae is waiting outside along with Jinyoung and Mark." Yugyeom whispered, shrinking from Jaebum's glare. Jackson chuckled and patted his hyung on the back, not minding skipping school for today. He was actually doing pretty good, passing that class with a solid B.

Jaebum huffed and rolled his eyes, stomping after the two maknaes who lead them to Mark's car. Jackson greeted his boyfriend with a quick peck on the lips.

"Hey baby." Jackson cooed, pulling the boy close. Jinyoung blushed and wrapped his arms around Jackson's waist, enjoying the warmth the boy was radiating.

Meanwhile, Youngjae was in the middle of trying to calm down Jaebum, doing everything from whispering sweet words in his ear to leaving small kisses onto his neck. Finally giving in, Jaebum hopped into the car and pulled Youngjae onto his lap since there was no room.

Jackson sat in the front along with Mark who was driving. Yugyeom sitting in the middle with BamBam on his lap and Jinyoung sitting behind Jackson on the end.

"Where we going?" Jackson asked the older, looking at him with his Big brown eyes.

Mark just smiled along with BamBam and Yugyeom.

"On an adventure!"


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