♡Under the Desk♡

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"I hate this university." Jinyoung mumbled, his focus on anything else but his professor. Jackson nodded his head in annoyance and continued to listen to his quiet music through his earbuds. Jinyoung scoffed and yanked the earbuds out of his ears, causing the boy to angrily face him.

"Why did you do that?" Jackson whined, pouting as he tried taking his earbuds back. Jinyoung giggled and placed the earbuds on the other side of his desk, knowing Jackson wouldn't be able to reach it.

"Fine...no blowjobs for a month!" Jackson smirked. Jinyoung snapped his head back towards Jackson, throwing his precious earbuds at the boy.

"You are so thirsty." Jackson chuckled, putting his earbuds back in and getting lost into his music. He didn't tell anybody yet, but he was working on a song currently. It was a rough cut so he was listening for anything he needed to fix.

Jinyoung huffed and tried focusing back onto the professor and what he was teaching. Taking notes, an idea popped into his mind. A very evil idea.

"Hey Jackson." Jinyoung cooed, moving closer to the boy. Jackson turned and his face was met with Jinyoung who was right in his face. Cheeks becoming a soft pink, Jackson shook his head and giggled.

"Is it bad that I want you right here right now?" Jinyoung smirked as he saw Jackson's eyes widening. He immediately crossed his legs and ignored Jinyoung.

"Baby let's skip this class and go back to our dorms so we can have fun."

Jackson pouted and furrowed his eyebrows, confused on why Jinyoung was so horny at this moment.

"As much as I love bending you over, I'd rather not get in trouble." Jackson whispered, causing the other to pout. Just thinking about Jackson bending him over made him all...impure.

Suddenly, an even more evil idea popped up into his mind. He smirked, knowing that Jackson wasn't going to be able to shove him off now.

He looked around and made sure no one was looking, fortunately most people were actually sleeping and the ones that were awake were stressing about the lesson.

Slowly, Jinyoung slid his hand to Jackson's thigh and squeezed tightly, making Jackson jump and glare at Jinyoung. What the hell was he trying to pull there?

Jackson swatted his hand away but Jinyoung just kept coming back, soo eventually Jackson just rolled his eyes and let his hand hang out there. Five minutes went by and that's when Jinyoung totally went insane.

He slyly moved his hand over to Jackson's covered up member and massaged it. Thank god he was wearing grey joggers today. Jackson bit his lip as he looked all around, anywhere but what was going on underneath.

"You like that?" Jinyoung cooed, quickly kissing his neck and landing directly onto his soft spot. Jackson suppressed a moan and took out his earbuds so he could have no distractions from keeping his moaning down. Luckily, they sat all the way in the back.

Jinyoung smirked at his action, knowing that it was okay to take it further. He slipped his hands down his boxers and that's when Jackson let a tiny moan slip from his lips. He widened his eyes and wondered if anybody heard it.

That thought was quickly replaced with dirty ones as Jinyoung suddenly fastened his pace. He once again smirked and once Jackson was close, he slowed down. Jinyoung actually went dangerously slow and made Jackson let out a whine.

"Ji-Jinyoung you have to st-ohh fuck." Jinyoung began to quicken his pace again, catching Jackson off guard. If Jinyoung didn't stop soon, Jackson was going to have to run to his dorm to change his pants. Also, he was definitely a loud moaner so what if he moaned extremely loud.

"Just tell me stop and I will baby." Jinyoung whispered into his ear, still rubbing his throbbing member. His began to twitch and both knew that Jackson was close.

"Jinyoouung." He dragged out his name, feeling the familiar feeling in his stomach. It soon became too much as Jinyoung went every faster than before, making Jackson closer and closer.

Jackson squeezed his eyes shut and leaned his face down on his desk, covering it with his arms. He muffled his moan with his sleeve as he released into Jinyoung's hand, making him sigh and feel relieved.

That's when the bell rang and Jackson bolted out of the door with Jinyoung who was following close behind.

"I'm fucking you until you can't walk tonight."

Ugh I've been super busy that I can't make any edits soo I'm just going to have to use more music videos. I promise I will start making edits soon again!

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