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9 Months Later

Today was the day. The day where two lovely boys finally got to marry each other. The day that made everyone smile yet cry at the same time. The day full of love and kindness.

It the was the day where Jackson and Jinyoung would officially become husband and husband.

Jinyoung woke up first, too excited to wait any longer. After all of that planning and dinner rehearsals, he finally got to marry the love of his life. He always wondered who it would be and what he would be like. Now, Jinyoung didn't have to wonder any longer as he laid on top of his fiancé.

Slowly and carefully getting off of Jackson, Jinyoung tip-toed to the kitchen and made coffee for the older and hot chocolate for himself. After all of these years of being with Jackson, Jinyoung still made them the same beverages they ordered on their first date. It soon became a habit so every time they went out, both boys would always smile at each other and order their traditional drinks.

"Jinyoung!" A panicked Jackson came running out of their room with tears down his face. Not knowing what's going on, Jinyoung popped out of the kitchen with two mugs in his hands and tilted his head.

Jackson sighed in relief and ran to the other just to give him a big teddy bear hug. "What's wrong?" Jinyoung couldn't comprehend what was happening at the moment. He just went to go make them drinks for a second and then sees a crying Jackson.

"I-I oh god I thought you might've left even though I know you wouldn't do that and it didn't help that the fact that I had a nightmare about you leaving earlier." Jackson was now full on sobbing. He just couldn't help himself at the moment. Even the thought of Jinyoung leaving him had shivering and depressed.

Seeing Jackson so scared and bawling his eyes out broke Jinyoung's heart. He never liked when Jackson cried (which was a lot actually) and that fact that he was crying over him was even worse.

Jinyoung set the two mugs down and tightly hugged the stressed boy, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. He rubbed his back up and down and kissed his cheek. Eventually, the latter calmed down and melted into the hug, listening to his fiancé's soothingly deep voice.

A smile appeared on his face, along with happy thoughts and Jackson happily kissed his fiancé.

"Let's go get married, baby."

"oh shit oh shit oh shit I'm sO NERVOUS OH MY GOD." Jackson began to pace back and forth behind the doors that would soon reveal Jinyoung.

Standing next to him, Kunpimook leaned close and whispered "people are starting to stare at you Jackson Hyung. Please be quiet." And pulled away, smiling at the weird looks people were giving them.

Jackson chuckled and shook his head, people probably thought he was crazy. Well, some of his friends or people he worked with anyway. His family on the other hand, was just as crazy as he was so they payed him no mind.

Soon, the music began to play and the people stood up, waiting anxiously for the boy to walk down the aisle. As soon as Jackson laid eyes onto Jinyoung, he's breathing hitched.

Walking down the aisle, Jinyoung wore a red suit that hugged him tightly, a black button down shirt, a black tie, and fancy black shoes from Gucci. Thank god for Jaebum because he messily quiffed the boys hair up, making it look effortlessly hot. His makeup was flawless, Kunpimook forced him to double wing his eyes and he was glad he actually went through with it because Jackson's reaction was priceless.


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If he was going to be honest, the sight of Jackson made Jinyoung's pants grow tighter. Jackson wore a black suit that from afar, it looked like it slightly glittered. He wore a white button down shirt, a black bow tie, and shiny black shoes that came from Yves Saint Laurent. But his hair. Oh god his hair was what made Jinyoung go slightly crazy inside.

As long as he doesn't li-

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As long as he doesn't li-

Jackson licked and bit his lips as soon as Jinyoung stood next to him, knowing exactly what he was doing.


"You may kiss the groom."

Jackson leaned in and swept the boy off his feet and into his arms, happily kissing his pretty lips. Letting out a yelp turning which then turned into a laugh, Jinyoung smiled into the kiss and placed his hands on the side of his face. The crowd roared and applauded the newly wedded couple.

The husbands finally stopped kissing and looked at their friends, realizing how sweet yet dumb they were.

Mark was smiling like a father and giving them little nods, obviously happy for the two. Even though Mark did like Jinyoung for a little while in the beginning, he was glad that he let him go and date Jackson. If he didn't, he probably would've never dated Baekhyun to this day.

Youngjae was currently crying in Jaebum's arms, overwhelmed by the fact that his two best friends just got married. Of course they were happy tears. Overwhelmingly happy tears that continued to spill out.

Meanwhile, Jaebum was trying to hold back a smile but couldn't hold it in any longer. He's glad that both boys found love with each other. Except, another thought clouded his mind. Secretly, he couldn't wait to propose to Youngjae.

Lastly, you got the maknae couple. Have a guess on what their doing. If you guessed dabbing at each other and then at the husbands, you are 100% correct. They were just so hype that they expressed it through their dabbing.

Jackson and Jinyoung chuckled and ran down the aisle with the boys close behind. Cheering came from the group and they were soon all in the car that they drove during high school.

"Hey remember when I use to loathe you?" Jinyoung cockily said, poking the boys side as he drove. Jackson chuckled and nodded his head, reminiscing the memory.

"Even though you loathed me, I always loved you."

"Let's just hope you don't stop."

"Oh trust me honey, my love for you will never die."


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