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Jackson sat on his bed as he watched Jinyoung pace back and forth the room. Finally getting annoyed at his boyfriends actions, he decided to speak up.

"Aish stop pacing back and forth. Come sit. Tell me everything." Jackson said in a serious tone with a very serious face. Jinyoung stopped pacing and decided to sit next to his overly serious boyfriend. Of course though, Jinyoung was still fidgeting.

"Oh my god." Jackson mumbled, placing Jinyoung on his lap and making the boy straddle him. Jinyoung sighed and played with Jackson's fluffy hair, stressing about the situation that he was currently in.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong?" Jackson calmingly questioned, letting his hands roam Jinyoung's back. Jinyoung slightly nodded but hugged the older first.

"So do you know who Marks roommate is?" Jinyoung questioned, making Jackson go pale. Of course he knows that it's currently Baekhyun but did he tell Jinyoung that? Of course not because he would totally flip.

"Ah n-no." Jackson mentally cursed at himself as he said the words, automatically sounding suspicious. He sometimes hated how good Jinyoung could read people.

"You're lying." Jinyoung simply stated, staring at the boy that was trying to avoid his gaze. Jackson didn't say a word which led Jinyoung to be even more frustrated.

"Was I the only one who didn't know?" Jinyoung abruptly got off of Jackson and threw his hands up in the air. Jackson murmured a yes and innocently looked up at his stressed boyfriend.

"I mean...I don't care. I'm 100% okay with this." Jinyoung awkwardly said as he leaned back and forth. He knew that what he was saying was a lie but how much of a douchebag could he be because of this? It's not like Jinyoung could get Mark a new roommate.

"I think Mark is like....I dunno attracted to him or something. Do you hear the way he talks about him?" Jackson gushed, completely forgetting Jinyoung's distaste for the boy.

Jinyoung huffed and threw himself onto the bed. He knew he shouldn't be upset because of this, but he was and Jinyoung hated it. Now, he's just wanting Baekhyun to stay away from his whole friend group.

"Aish yes..." Jinyoung mumbled, not wanting to hear Jackson getting excited over a new romance that might bloom.

"It's adorable. We should hook those two up Baby." Jackson rolled over so that he was now on top of Jinyoung, resting his face into the crook of his neck.

"But...that would require you talking to him...AND ME OH MY GOD I CANT." Jinyoung groaned, getting louder with each word. Jackson chuckled and kissed the boys neck and hitting his soft spot, making the younger quiet down.

"Jinyoungie, I'm a big boy. I can handle myself when it comes to other guys."

"I know I know." Jinyoung mumbled, knowing where the conversation was going. He hates to admit this, but Mark does need a new lover and Baekhyun just might be it.

"Aish fine! But that doesn't mean he's going to be in our friend group!" Jinyoung spoke, making Jackson roll his eyes and chuckle.

"Of course not baby." Jackson cooed, trailing kisses from his lips, to his jawline, and then back down to his neck. Jinyoung let out a tiny moan slip from his pretty lips.

"GROSSS!" Kumpimook yelled, running out of the room and down to Yugyeom's room. The sudden noise made the two jump away from each other and just stare at the widened door.

"When did BamBam even get here?"

"No idea...was he always there?"


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