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Jackson woke up to his head slowly rising up and down. He furrowed his eyebrows and finally opened his eyes, realizing that his head was resting on Jinyoung's chest. Taking advantage of this situation since both boys have been busy lately, Jackson snuggled in closer and breathed in the sweet scent that Jinyoung always radiated.

Coconuts and flowers.

Little did Jackson know, was that Jinyoung was slightly awake and slyly watched the older's actions. He loved when Jackson did this. Jinyoung felt special and loved, so he never bothered to tell him to stop. Except today, Jinyoung felt a little cheeky today.

"You shouldn't stare at me while I'm sleeping." Jinyoung smirked, seeing the blush creep up onto Jackson's smooth cheeks.

"Oh yeah? Well, you shouldn't pretend to be asleep!" Jackson pouted. He actually didn't mind that Jinyoung caught him staring, Jackson wanted Jinyoung to know that he was everything to him. Honestly, Jackson would rather stay in and cuddle than go to some stupid frat party that they went to all the time.

Jinyoung chuckled and brought Jackson closer to his body, he always felt safe when he did this. Jinyoung overall felt safer when Jackson was around because he knew that the boy would protect him no matter and of course, Jinyoung would do the same.

"How was shopping?" Jackson whispered, not knowing what time it was. If Kunpimook was in the room or sleeping, he didn't want to bother the boy. Although, Jackson wouldn't have a problem with that anyway since Kunpimook was such a heavy sleeper.

"It was great! I bought so much stuff with Youngjae and Baekhyun." Jinyoung couldn't wait to show Jackson what he bought, but since it was quite late, 1 in the morning to be exact, he didn't bring it up.

"Oh that's nice, you should show me what you bought la-wait Baekhyun?"

"Yes Baekhyun...he's actually not that ba-"

"No no that's not why I'm surprised. He was suppose to be on a date with Mark today and actually, Mark was like I don't know jerking him off or something."

Jinyoung turned on the lamp next to their table and furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't even know Mark and Baekhyun were suppose to go on a date.

"Well, Baekhyun was with us the whole day..." None of this made sense to Jinyoung and racked his brain for answers but obviously, he had none.

"Wait...so if he wasn't with Baekhyun, then who the fuck was he with?" Jackson started to get angry. It took a lot to actually convince both boys to go out on a date together since they stated they were just friends.

"What if it was Junhoe?" Jinyoung whispered, afraid of Jackson's reaction. He knew that Jackson absolutely loathed the boy and honestly, so did Jinyoung.

Not only did Junhoe kiss Jackson, he told Jinyoung that it was Jackson who came into him. He then also pinned other things onto the other boys and it was just a mess. It almost broke the group up actually.

Hearing this, Jackson was fuming. He abruptly stood up and put in his shoes, too angry to bother with a shirt and left in his grey sweatpants. Jinyoung widened his eyes and snapped back to reality when he saw Jackson open the door.

"Jackson wa-" the door slammed, cutting off Jinyoung's pleading. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and threw off his covers, not even bothering with shoes. He had to get Jackson, or this was going to be bad.

"MARK OPEN THE DOOR!" Jackson pounded onto the door, ignoring Jinyoung pulling onto his arm.

"Oh my god Jackson you are going to get kicked out if you keep being this loud." Jinyoung yelled, pulling his arm harder. Yet again, this didn't work and it started to annoy the younger.

Finally, the door opened and Jackson pushed right in. Immediately, he felt bad at the sight he was seeing.

"Ma-Mark Hyung?" Jackson whispered, staring at the boy who was currently in tears. Jinyoung rushes over and pampered the older, not bothering to ask what happened because that's the last thing Mark needs right now.

Jackson's eyes caught Baekhyun's and the two walked outside of the dorm.

"What the hell happened? I set you two up on a date!" Jackson whispered-yelled, making sure he wasn't loud enough for Mark to hear but enough to make Baekhyun scared.

"We did go on a date! But then some tall dude came over to our table and said he wanted to speak to Mark...he sounded sketchy and I should've followed them but I didn't and I feel so fucking bad Jackson." Baekhyun was now the one crying.

"Okay so what actually happened though?" Jackson was now softer and brought the boy into a hug, feeling bad for him. He kind of wanted to kick his ass though for not protecting his Hyung. Although, there isn't much Baek would be able to do against a giant.

"From what I got, Mark was pressured into...ya know having sex and the guy started to get rough so Mark told him to stop but...but he didn't. That's why Mark has bruises up and down his arm." Baekhyun weakly said, not being able to look at Jackson. He felt guilty and that it was all of his fault. If he just would've stopped him then none of this would've happened.

"I...I am going to kick his fucking ass."

•honestly, didn't think that i was going to type up some angsty chapters but oop here it is.

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