♡Thanksgiving Part 2♡

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"We got the goods!" Jackson chirped, running in with bags and bags of food. Jinyoung followed close behind him, simply holding both of their phones.

"Why is Jackson carrying six bags?" Youngjae questioned out loud, causing everyone to look at a cheerful yet out of breath Jackson.

"He insisted." Jinyoung simply stated, everybody shrugging and nodding their heads. Soon enough, everybody was given jobs by Jinyoung and got to work.

Jackson, Kunpimook, and Yugyeom were to handle the turkey. Youngjae and Mark were to handle making drinks. Jinyoung and Jaebum were to handle literally everything else.

"Okay so what if we used hair dryers to melt the ice off of the turkey faster?" Kunpimooo suggested, getting bored of just sitting there and watching the turkey. Yugyeom nodded and looked at Jackson, making sure he was on board. Looking at Jinyoung and Jaebum, he made sure that they weren't paying attention and motioned for the maknaes to move to the bedroom.

"Mark has a hair dryer in he-found it!" Jackson whispered-shouted, holding up the object in the air. They brought the turkey into the room and began heating it up.

"Okay didn't think it would actually work." Yugyeom whispered, getting excited over the turkey. Jackson's mouth began to water just thinking about eating the delicious food.

"Um what are you guys doing?"

Jackson, Kunpimook, and Yugyeom snapped their heads to see the rest of the boys standing at the door with their arms crossed. Jackson nervously laughed and turned off the hair dryer.

"Oh ya know...just...getting our job done faster." Jackson awkwardly let out, feeling Jinyoung's stare. Yugyeom and Kunpimook looked at each other as they tried not to laugh at the sticky situation they were in.

"Aish come on!" Jaebum groaned, making everybody go back to their jobs. As soon as the boys left, Jackson, Kunpimook, and Yugyeom erupted with giggles.

"Wow that was something." Yugyeom mumbled, the hair dryer overpowering his voice.

•four hours later•

"Guys...what's burning?" Jinyoung smelled the air and looked directly at the kitchen, smoke catching his eye.

"THE TURKEY IS BURNING. I REPEAT THE TURKEY IS BURNING!" Jackson yelled out, immediately turning off the oven.

"ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION!" Kunpimook joined in on the screaming as soon as Jackson opened the oven and smoke poured out.

"IM QUAKING!" Yugyeom yelled out as he took the turkey and throwing it into the sink. The rest of the boys ran over to the three stooges and widened their eyes.

The turkey was burnt to a crisp. It was literally black and high key looked like the stranger things monster.

"Okay well there goes our turkey..." Mark whispered, disappointment in his voice. Jaebum nodded his head and pouted, actually looking forward to eating the turkey.

"Well, so is our potatoes and actually...everything is just a mess." Jinyoung groaned out, looking at the food.

The potatoes were liquidy, stuffing looked like vomit, pudding was actually solid, and the pumpkin pie looked...interesting.

"Ugh can't we just order burgers or something?"

"I can go for burgers."

"Yeah me too."

And soon enough, everybody decided to enjoy their thanksgiving with burgers and drinks. The rest of the night was filled with laughter, jokes, happily crying, and of course, dabbing.

"Ya know what I'm thankful for guys?" Jinyoung suddenly said, everybody's focus on him.

"What?" Jackson lovingly cooed, glad that he was having his thanksgiving with the person he loved the most.


•currently Black Friday shopping this is kinda mess since it's hard to think while literally getting shoved by everybody. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the two thanksgiving chapters!❁

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