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"So how's Mark doing?" Jackson took a sip from his coffee and kept his voice low. Baekhyun's eyes brightened from hearing Mark's name and smiled.

"He's doing a lot better. We're actually at the end of pressing charges against what's his face." Jackson nodded and continued to quietly sip his coffee. He felt happy that this madness was finally coming to an end.

The memory of Jackson beating the hoe until he gave up flooded his mind. He shivered at the thought and ignored his face when Jackson was finished with him. Jackson never thought he could be that crazy.

"Jackson!" Baekhyun yelled, snapping Jackson back into reality, forgetting about the dark thoughts he was having. Jackson arched his eyebrow and mumbled an "mm".

"Aish what's wrong?" Baekhyun looked with his puppy dog eyes, wanting to know what was going on in the youngers head. Even though they have known each other for awhile now, Baekhyun still found Jackson as mysterious.

"It's just...even though what I did to him was close to four months ago, it still kinda haunts me. I really blacked out with the first punched." Jackson whispered, looking around to make sure no one was listening to their conversation.

"Yah the jerk deserved it! I'm just glad that they didn't charge you anything for beating him so much."

"They did but it didn't really affect me...I mean not to brag or anything but I'm loaded." Baekhyun chuckled at the youngers comment and shook his head, adoring him either way.

Jackson shied away from his friends staring and turned his face, admiring the scenery out the window.

"Ah enough about snakes, how's you and Markiepooh?" Jackson cooed, smirking as he watched Baekhyun's cheeks turn a shade of red.

"We are good...I still need to find the courage to ask him out though." Baekhyun pouted, knowing he was just to afraid of rejection. Jackson chuckled and pinched his cheek, awing at his Hyungs flustered reaction. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and slapped Jackson's hand away before glaring at him.

"I don't want to do it now anyway because of ya know the whole pressing charge thing but I'll do it like...as soon as it's over so it can be a celebrate thingy?" Baekhyun said as a question more then an statement. Jackson chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, mentally agreeing that his plan was somewhat decent. Only two more weeks until the two lovebirds can actually get together then.

Lip and Hip by Hyuna blasting from Jackson's phone, Jackson took out the object and smiled at the ID.

"Hey baby what's up?


No way?

You're lying?


Jackson hung up the phone with biggest smile Baekhyun has ever seen, causing the older to be quite curious.

"What happened?"

"We got the apartment!"

woah two updates in one day!

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