Chapter 5 ~ Earning her trust

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Two days had pasted. Trixie had been thinking about her plan nonstop. She was finally going to do it. First, she would need to get the trust of Starlight. Trixie wasn't sure how easy it would be. Starlight would constantly come in here and mess with her. There were even some points where Trixie started to believe what she was saying. And she could tell by the look on Starlight's face that she knew it. So maybe it wouldn't be that hard.

Trixie paced back and forth. She had gotten barley any sleep these past couple days. And there wasn't much to do in the room except read the books. But all that was in them was equal signs. She looked out the window, watching the sun rise. A smile made its way on to her face as she realized it was almost time. Soon she would be free. Well, as free as she could be in this town. But at this point, anything was better than being here. She sat in front of the door and waited.

An hour had pasted before the door opened. Starlight stood there smiling, as usual. Before she could even open her mouth, Trixie ran up to her.

"Yes," Trixie yelled. "Yes! I want to join!" Starlight stared at her, a smug look on her face.

"We welcome you with open hooves," Starlight said. She gave Trixie a quick hug and then turned to the ponies around her. "We have a new friend everypony!" She got out of Trixie's way so she could see everyone. Trixie thought about running, but knew she wouldn't make it. The ponies walked up to her, welcoming her. Though it was kind of creepy, she couldn't help but smile. The ponies seemed so happy she was there. Before she could say anything to anyone, Starlight walked up to her. Everypony backed away a bit. "Come. New friends stay with me until their cottage is built." Starlight led the way. Trixie didn't want to go anywhere with her, but knew she couldn't refuse.

Starlight opened her door and the two walked in. Trixie felt nervous being in there. Starlight showed her around the house. Everything was dull.

"Uh, nice place..."

"Thank you. Now, I only have one bed, so were going to have to share." Trixie hated the idea of that.

"Can't I just sleep on the floor?" Or in my wagon," Trixie thought. The realization hit her. "Wait a second, what did you do with my wagon?"

"Well, I figured that since you wouldn't need it anymore, might as well get rid of it."

"Which means?"

"We dragged it off, far away from here. Probably fell off the side of the mountain by now." Trixie's mouth hung open. Starlight saw and gave her a sympathetic look. "I know it must have meant a lot to you, but do you really need it?"

"Um... well... that's where I kind of lived."

"So that's a no. You'll soon have a house." Trixie looked to the ground. She didn't feel like talking anymore, but the day wasn't even close to being over. She faked a smile and looked at Starlight.

"Yea. I don't need my wagon." Starlight smiled. "As long as I'm in this town, I'll be happy." Starlight was about to say something, but got interrupted by a knock on the door. Double Diamond walked in.

"Starlight," Double Diamond said.

"What is it," Starlight asked, trying not to show her annoyance.

"We have a situation." He had a worried expression on his face.

"Which is?"

"Someone knocked some ponies out and ran off." Starlight thought about it for a bit. An idea came to her. She turned towards Trixie.

"Forgive me, but your acceptance to our way of life is questionable. So I have something to ask of you. Prove yourself. I want you to catch the traitor." Trixie's eyes widened.

"What," Trixie nearly screamed. "I don't know how to do that! I don't even know who it is."

"I don't think this is the best idea Star-," Double Diamond started, but got stopped by Starlight.

"Who was it and where were they headed," Starlight asked. Double Diamond hesitated.

"You know, I could just stop them myself instead of-"

"Who and where! I will not ask again." He sighed.

"It was Storm Caster. She was heading up the mountain. Not towards the cutie mark vault, but to the cave."

"Thank you Double Diamond. You may go. We have this handled." Double Diamond left. Starlight and Trixie looked at each other.

"Starlight," Trixie said. "I can't do this."

"Sure you can."

"How? I have nothing. I could barley even use my horn with my cutie mark, there's no way I'll be able to do anything now."

"You don't need it. Come. I'll explain on the way." Starlight ran out of the house, Trixie followed. Trixie feared what would happen to her if she failed.

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