Chapter 19 ~ Would you lie to me?

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Starlight and Trixie were in bed sleeping. Well, Trixie was. Starlight was wide awake, thinking about everything that had happened. She finally got everything she wanted. To rule the world, have equality, and Trixie. The two had spent a lot of time together. Though, Starlight wouldn't let Trixie know about anything going on in the kingdom. She didn't want Trixie to have to worry about it. Right now, all she needed to know is that they were on the hunt for Twilight Sparkle. They both wanted revenge, but whether they'd go after her friends or not was up for debate.

While staring up at the ceiling, she heard Trixie start to make noises. It sounded like muffled yelled. Next came the tears. Starlight immediately shook her awake. At first, it seemed Trixie was too consumed in her dream, but she eventually woke up. She looked at her surroundings before her eyes finally landed on Trixie. Starlight gave her a concerned look. Nightmares had become an everyday thing for the mare. And they all had to do with the past. It wasn't ready to let her go. She refused to tell Starlight about what happened in them, which made Starlight frustrated. But she wasn't going to no for an answer today.

"Trixie," Starlight asked. "You alright?" Trixie nodded, looking away. "Trix... what happens in the nightmares. They seem to be getting worse."

"It's nothing," Trixie said, sniffling.

"Well it obviously isn't. Please, just tell me." Trixie ignored Starlight. "Why won't you tell me? Maybe I could help."

"Help? Heh. It doesn't matter how much you mess with time. The memories are still there. There's nothing you'll be able to do."

"Maybe talking about it cold help."

"No." Trixie got up and walked out of the room. Starlight ran after her.


"Leave me alone!" Trixie broke into a run, tears streaming down her face.

"What did I do? Please, tell me!" Trixie stepped, causing Starlight to bump into her.

"That's just it. You want me to tell you! But I can't!"


"Because then you'll hate me..." Trixie sat on the ground.

"Hate you? Why-"

"Because I'm useless." Starlight stared at her in shock. Trixie was usually nothing but confident in herself. But this was a new side to her.

"Trix, you're not useless. Where is this coming from?" Trixie sighed then got up.

"Let's go back to out room. I'll explain there." They walked back to the room and sat on the bed. Trixie sighed once more. "Starlight... you wouldn't lie to me, would you?" Starlight paused, not sure how to answer.

"N-no... Why you ask?"

"I grew up in a small village. It was filled with the best of the best kind of ponies. Most of the unicorns there had been to Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. The pegasi were almost wonderbolts level flying. There weren't any earth ponies. Of course, you were always supposed to be the best at everything there. There was a lot of pressure on the fillies. My magic took a bit to develop. Fortunately, I wasn't the only one. We all became friends. Then, one of us got a sudden surge of powerful magic. They rejected us after that. Thought they were too good for us. After that, we made a promise to NEVER become like them." Trixie paused.


"Next to get their magic was me. It wasn't too impressive, but just enough to not feel like a disappointment. Another group of unicorns took notice of me. Said they wanted to be my friend. That my magic was beyond anything they've ever seen. But, in order to be able to hang out with them, I had to leave my friends. And so I did. Well, kind of. I tried to keep my friendship with them a secret. But as I hung out with the group, I started to get a massive ego. Eventually, my old friends started to shun me for it. Once they did, the other group left me. Apparently, they were never impressed. In fact, they were the opposite. Said my magic wa as weak as it could get. Which is why they pretended to be my friend until I had completely cut ties with the others. I was alone after that. And to add to it, my parents saw no reason to pay any attention to me. Unless I accomplished something, it was like I didn't exist."

More tears came. Starlight stared in shock. She eventually pulled Trixie into a hug. Trixie tried to push her away at first, but gave in pretty quickly.

"Starlight," Trixie continued. "Would you ever lie to me?"

"Trix, I just said-"

"Tell me the truth!" Starlight didn't know how to respond. She was starting to feel guilty.


🌿Sorry this took kind of long. Getting writers block. Ugh. 🌿

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