Chapter 22 ~ Hiding

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Trixie ran as fast as her hooves could go. She was freaking out at the fact that Starlight saw her. It wouldnt be long before she'd be hunted down. What had gotten in to the purple mare? This didnt seem like her. Or maybe, Trixie had been too blind to see it. Doesnt matter now. The real question is, where is she going?

This wasnt the equestria she knew. Honestly, it looked quite sad. Everything was so plain and lifeless. Ponies werent evem faking smiles like they had in Starlight's old village. Something was seriously wrong. Deciding being out in the open wasnt the best idea, she hid in the everfree forest. Maybe she could find Zecora?

Having no clue where the zebra's house was, she got lost quickly. Her hooves were starting to kill her.

"Ugh, I hate life," Trixie complained angrily. Not soon long after she said that, she heard someone coming her way. Before she had time to hide or run, she was pinned to the ground.

"State your name and business," the pony said. It was rainbow dash.

"T-trixie Lulamoon! And im just looking for Zecora!" Rainbow Dash growled.

"So, you thought you could surprise attack us?"

"W-what!? N-no! I need a place to hide!"

"Hide? Pfft nice try!"

"Im serious!"

"Quiet! You will make a good hostage." Rainbow smiled.

"Hostage!? What!?" Two other ponies appeared. Trixie was dragged away.


Sorry this is so short. I am hoping to get a upload schedule once school starts back up.

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