Chapter 20 ~ Liar

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"No," Starlight said. She got closer to Trixie, looking her directly in the eyes. "I have never lied to you. I love you too much to do that to you." Trixie gave a smile smile as Starlight pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry," Trixie said.

"It's fine. Now, let's go to bed." Trixie nodded.


The next morning, Trixie woke up to find Starlight missing. She sat up, looking around as if Starlight would just be standing there waiting for her to wake up. But she wasn't. Trixie yawned, getting out of bed. She found a note on the door.

Hey Trix, had some important stuff to take care. I'll see you later though. Love you. Xoxo

Trixie smiled. She walked out of the room and started wandering down the halls. She wasn't really sure what to do. While walking, a guard came out of no where, running into her. The two fell to the ground.

"Ah, I'm sorry," he said, helping her up.

"It's fine," Trixie said. "Why in the rush?"

"There has been a recent attack."


"Yes. The rebel forces set off some bombs." Trixie's eyes whidened.

"Rebel forces!? Bombs!?" The gaurd nodded, giving her a questioning look. "Starlight never mentioned any of that."

"Hmm. Well anyways, were trying to help the guards who were attacked."

"Let me come and help."


"I want to help. Lead me to them."

"Um... Okay!"

"What's your name, by the way?"

"Flash Sentry."

"Nice to meet you Flash. Now let's go!"

They ran to the infirmary.


Trixie helped as best as she could. Fortunately, everyone seemed fine. Flash thanked her for her help as she left.

She went upstairs, about to go to her room, when she heard someone yelling. It sounded like Starlight. She slowly approached the room two doors down. Peeking in, she saw Starlight yelling at someone. Starlight was soaking the wet. The other pony stared in fear, about to run off when Starlight stopped them. She flung the pony to the wall, knocked them out. When she turned, Trixie saw something shocking.

Starlight's cutiemark.

She gasped, grabbing Starlight's attention. Starlight turned, glaring. Her anger dropped when she saw Trixie. Trixie approached her, pain written all over her face.

"How long have you had it," Trixie asked.

"W-what," Starlight asked.

"How long have you had your cutie mark!? Don't lie to me!"


"Shut up! It all makes sense now. No wonder your magic still worked perfectly. You lied! And I believed you!"

"Trixie! Listen to me!"

"No! Go away! I'm leaving!" Trixie tried to run but was quickly tackled by Starlight.

"Excuse me? You're not leaving! After everything I've done, I'm not letting you just go! Guards!" A couple guards ran into the room. "Lock Trixie in our room. And don't let her get away!" They nodded, grabbing Trixie.

"Starlight! You can't do this!" Starlight shook her head in anger, looking away from Trixie.


🌿Omg sorry this took forever!🌿

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