Chapter 25~ Cruel Reality

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Trixie and Zecora walked around the edge of the forest, Pinkie and Rainbow trailing behind in case there was danger. From the angle they were at, Trixie was able to see ponyville much better. From first glance, everything seemed fine. Ponies walked around, smiles wide, socializing like normal. Trixie gave Zecora a questioning look, not understanding what she was suppose to see.

Zecora pointed to a house, jestering for Trixie to get a closer look. Trixie took a couple steps forward, squinting her eyes. The house itself didn't seem too sturdy, barely holding up. A family stood outside of it, looking close to death. One of the ponies coughed, the other looking really worried. The filly suddenly broke into a run, a guard close behind them. That's when Trixie noticed the filly had an actua cutie mark. Once caught, the filly was dragged away. Trixie knew full well what was going to happen to them.

"I-I-," Trixie had troubles forming words. "This seems... What are... How did..." She couldn't figure out the right question to ask.

"Starlight lied about us all being equal," Rainbow said, finally standing by them, leaving Pinkie standing far behind.

"You know about her cutie mark?"

Rainbow have her an confused look. "Her cutie mark?"

"Yeah. How she actually still has her real cutie mark?" Zecora and Rainbow shared a surprised look. "Wait, if you didn't know, then what were you talking about?"

Rainbow was silent for a couple seconds before answering. "Starlight wanted everything. She left us with barely the clothes on our ack and the old ageing houses. None of us are able to afford much and barely survive the winter. All her equality talk was a lie. She lives in grands while we live in rags." Rainbow grabbed a nearby stick and jabbed it into the ground.

"H-how... could she do that?"

"How could you stand by and watch it happen!?" Rainbow threw the stick at Trixie.

"I-I didn't! I had no clue!" She sighed. "But now I do... I need to fix this!"

Rainbow laughed in disbelief. "Ha! How could you help!?"

"I know how she accomplished all of this. I can undo it!"

"Really now?" Rainbow had a mocking tone.

"Yes! W-well... after I figure out the spell..."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "And how do you plan to do a spell without your cutie mark?"

"Well I-" Trixie stopped, looking at her flank. "Oh... right..."

Zecora got Rainbow's attention, somehow having a one sided discussion. Trixie had chose to ignore the constant pointing and insult directed at her. After about a minute of this, they finally reached a conclusion. Rainbow sighed.

"Okay, here's the plan," she said. "One of our best fighters, Twilight Sparkle, was captured and held in the castle dungeon. What you are going to do is rescue her. Tell her the plan. What she needs to do is get both of your cutie marks, then help you with the spell you claim Starlight used. She will make sure you fix everything. If you betray us, then... we can't stop you..." Rainbow seemed close to tears. "Please... actually help us..."

Trixie cringed at the name 'Twilight Sparkle', but nodded nonetheless before saying "I will!"


🌿Unedites because im suppose to be asleep. Get this, my computer and gmail work fine UNTIL I NEED TO SEND THIS TO MYSELF! Its bad enough im not able to directly type it on wattpad but i swear this computer is against me posting stories!🌿

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