Chapter 16 ~ Messing with time

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Starlight and Trixie fell to the ground. The two looked around in confusion, which quickly turned to smiles. Starlight was the first to get up. She looked around, making sure this was the right time. Equestria looked totally different from how it is now.

"We did it," Starlight said. Trixie got up and looked around.

"So, where are we," Trixie asked.

"This is when StarSwirl the bearded's magic started becoming more powerful. Now, here's what were going to do. I'm going to go deal with StarSwirl while you protect the map."

"Why do I have to protect the map?" Trixie pouted.

"Because someone needs to watch it and who knows who might come across it. Right now, the slightest thing could trigger it. Last thing we need is for some other pony to time travel."

"Ugh, fine."

Starlight ran off to go find StarSwirl. After asking some ponies for directions, she finally found his house. She snuck in, looking at all the things he had. She picked up all the important spell books and burned them. Next, she waited for StarSwirl to come. It was a long wait, but eventually, he showed up. The second he walked in, he knew something was amiss. But before he could ponder it any longer, Starlight attacked him. He fell to the ground.

Next, Starlight aimed for his horn. StarSwirl quickly got to his hooves and started fighting back. Starlight had been prepared for this. Knocking him off his hooves, she shot a big blast of magic at him. His horn cracked. Fear for what Starlight would do, he ran out of the house. But Starlight wasn't done. She need that thing fully gone. Before he could get to far, she tackled him to the ground. Ponies stopped and gasped at what they were seeing. Starlight put her horn against his, then shot his horn right off. The ponies stared, horror on their faces. Starlight quickly got up and ran.

Trixie was where Starlight had left her. The two quickly started up the map and traveled to another place in time. Next up, Celestia and Luna. Though the two sisters were no longer alicorns, Starlgiht couldn't risk them becoming a threat. She did the same to them that she had done to StarSwirl. Equestrial was starting to go into chaos.

At their last stop, Equestrial was barley holding on. The ponies were talking to learn how to fight back, but they weren't as much of a match for all the evils in the world. At this point, Trixie was starting to have doubts.

"S-Starlight," Trixie stuttered.

"Yes," Starlight asked.

"I don't think this was a good idea..."

"Don't worry. Like I keep saying, I've got this. You don't need to worry about anything."


"Seriously. Stop worrying." It was obvious Starlight wasn't going to listen to reason, so Trixie dropped it. "In fact, I'm going to be taking care of all of this right now."

As usual, Trixie watched the map and Starlight went to work. Starlight took care of Equestria's villain problem and gave all the credit to two familiar fillies. She explained to the two what they needed to do in order for her to fulfill her plan. After that was done, Starlight went back to Trixie.

"Okay, all done," Starlight said.

"So, back to the present," Trixie asked.

"Yep. And if what I did works, we will be in control." Starlight pulled Trixie into a hug. Trixie hugged her back.

"Were going to rule Equestrial together?"

"Yes. Together."


🌿I might edit this chapter. I did my best trying to find a way for all the things they're doing to make sense but no matter what there are holes.🌿

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