Chapter 8 ~ Backstories

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Trixie wanted to go talk to Sugar Belle, but Starlight kept making excuses as to why she couldn't. Trixie found it kind of annoying but didn't say anything.

Starlight was trying to keep a close eye on Trixie. Though Trixie seemed trustworthy, Starlight didn't fully trust her. Nor did she trust Sugar Belle. Not only that, but for some reason she didn't want Trixie talking to the other ponies. The thought of it made her mad.

She shook her head. Trixie and her walked into her house. A question came to her mind.

"Hey Trixie," Starlight started.

"Yea," Trixie asked, trying to hide her annoyance.

"I've got a question. I've noticed that you're bothered by the idea of ponies not liking you."

"Not really an idea if it's true." Starlight rolled her eyes.

"Well, I was wondering why."

"Um... Long story..." Trixie looked to the ground. She didn't like thinking about her past. Starlight lifted Trixie's head.

"I won't judge you." Trixie hesitated. She wondered if talking about it might make her feel better.


"Yes. What happened in the past will stay in the past." Trixie nodded.

"Okay. It all started when I was a filly."

Trixie told her life story. Starting with how she was neglected as a filly. She would always try to get pony's attention. Her friends found it kind of annoying but never said anything. Until she got her cutie mark. She was the first in her class to get it. Trixie developed a massive ego. Her friends had enough of it and left her. Trixie then told the story of how she traveled around the world performing. And then what happened in ponyville. Plus the whole alicorn amulet part.

Starlight was surprised. She didn't expect to hear all that.

"Wow," Starlight said.

"Yeah," Trixie said. "Your turn."


"What's your life story? Why did you do all of this?" Starlight looked away. "Oh come on! I told you mine!"

"Fine. I had a friend named Sunburst. We did everything together. But he stopped being my friend after he got his cutie mark. I haven't made a friend since." Trixie stifled a laugh.

"Okay, so you took all these pony's cutie marks over one pony? Wow. And I thought I was dramatic!" Trixie kept trying to hold in the laugh.


"Okay okay! And what do you mean you haven't made a friend since, what about me?"

"Oh. Right. I guess I did make one friend." Trixie smiled at Starlight. Starlight stared at her, as if she was trying to understand something.

"Is something wrong?" Starlight didn't say anything at first.

"Nope. Nothing at all. Earlier you said you wanted to visit Sugar Belle, correct?" Trixie nodded. "Go ahead. I've got work I need to do."

"Okay!" Trixie left. Starlight stood there, thinking.

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