Chapter 29 ~ Sickly Sweet

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Trixie stared at her, frozen still as if Starlight might not see her anymore. Starlight slowly approached Trixie, making her step back into the table. She looked around, trying to find another way out.

“Trixie,” Starlight said in a sickly sweet voice.

“Stay back,” Trixie yelled.

Starlight stopped, her smile turning into a frown, eyes narrowing. “You… left me…” Her voice went dark.

“You lied to me!”

“On come on! It’s all in the past.” She took another step forward.


Starlight grabbed Trixie’s neck, choking her a bit. “Yes it is! Because you aren’t leaving me too!” Trixie struggled for air. “I am done with the ponies I care about leaving! You wil stay here, with me, forever! Understand?” She let go of Trixie. “Whether by choice or brainwashing.”

Trixie fell to the floor, gasping for air. “I-I-”

“Shh.” She picked Trixie up. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to leave me.” Her voice went soft.

“S-sorry…” Trixie choked out.

“It’s okay. You came back, right?” She placed Trixie on the bed then started playing with her hair.

“R-right…” Trixie was shaking.

“You look like you were attacked. What happened?”


“Rebels!? Wait, you know where their hideout is?”

“Yeah.” Trixie started to relax a bit.

“That’s great! Tomorrow, we will finally destroy them. But for now, rest.” She placed a blanket over her. “I’ll go take care of some things while you sleep.”

“Okay.” Trixie closed her eyes.

Starlight left the room, leaving Trixie curled up in the blanket. After a couple seconds, her eyes shot open. She sat up, realizing what just happened. There was no way she’d reveal the rebels location, or stay with Starlight. She can’t get distracted or it’s all over.

Grabbing the spell, she ran off, heading back towards the dungeon.

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