Chapter 33 ~ Fix this

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Starlight ran up to Trixie, who was struggling to collect her thoughts. Too much was happening too quick. Starlight put her hoof on Trixie's cheek, making her look at her.

"Are you okay," Starlight asked softly.

Trixie almost fell for it, tempted to just hug her and go home. But she knew nothing was right yet, and Starlight was still in control.

"No," Trixie said, shoving her away. "Fix this! Fix the world right now!"

"Fix it!? The world I made was perfect!" Starlight growled, losing her patience.

"No! No it wasn't! I want my cutie mark back! I want the old world back! I wish I'd never met you!"

Just like that, Trixie's words peirced into Starlight, causing her to feel her heart tear into pieces.

"Y-you don't mean that," Starlight said with a look a disbelief.

"Oh I do! Just fix the world and get out of my life!

Starlight looked down. "I can't let that happen. I... Can't let you leave me..."

Trixie gave a confused look. "Wha-"

"You... Aren't leaving me! Not after everything I did!" Starlight lunged towards Trixie, pinning her to the ground. "You WILL stay with me FOREVER!" She started blasting Trixie with magic, keeping her held down to make sure she wasnt thrown by it.

"S-Stop!" Trixie tried kicking her but it proved to be useless.

But Starlight didn't stop, continuing until it seemed Trixie could barley move. "You'll thank me someday."

"N-no." Trixie shook her head. "I'll... I'll never forgive you..."

Starlight smiled wide. "You will if you forget." Her horn glowed bright green, different from its usual color.


🌿Sorry this is short and took a couple days.🌿

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