Chapter 9 ~ Feelings of betrayal

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Trixie ran to Sugar Belle's cottage. Before she could knock, Sugar Belle walked out with a batch of muffins. She placed them on a table a couple ponies were sitting at. Trixie followed her to the table, but wasn't able to get a word out before Sugar Belle walked away. Trixie stood there, confused. Sugar Belle walked back into her house and grabbed more muffins to bring to another table. 

"Hey," Trixie said, walking in front of Sugar Belle. Sugar Belle walked around her and finished bringing out the muffins. "Um... I said Hi." The ponies sitting at the table she was bringing muffins to looked at her in suspicion. Sugar Belle catched on and turned to Trixie. She had a wide smile on her face.

"Hey Trixie," Sugar Belle said. "Sorry about not answering you right away. Just had to make sure I gave these ponies their muffins. Anyways, how are you?" Trixie didn't answer right away.

"I'm... good. I was wondering if I could help you make muffins again?"

"Sure. I needed help anyways." The two walked into Sugar Belle's house. Sugar Belle closed the door and glared at Trixie. "Okay, what do you really  want?" Trixie grabbed the baking batter.

"I told you. I wanted to help you make more muffins. It was fun last time." Sugar Belle stared at her. Something seemed off to her. Trixie continued to bake. After a couple more seconds, Sugar Belle realized something.

"No. Your kidding right?" Trixie turned to her, giving her a questioning look. "Wow. Your actually serious." She walked closer to Trixie. 

"Serious about making muffins?"

"No. You've actually bought into all of this, haven't you? You actually think that living without your cutie mark is the best thing ever?" Trixie put the baking stuff down.

"Of coarse. So far I've seen nothing but good things. No pony has been judging me. They all welcomed me with opened hooves. Unlike every pony else in Equestria."

"Wow. And here I thought you were too stubborn to get brainwashed. Guess I was wrong."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Sugar Belle pushed Trixie out of the way and started pouring stuff into a bowl.

"I don't know. I guess I just had some hope. Should have figured, though. Everyone buys into it eventually. So why should you be any different?" 

"Sugar Bel-"

"No. Don't. Just... go back to Starlight. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want you around me anyways." Trixie didn't understand why Sugar Belle seemed so upset.


"Please." Trixie sighed and then left to go back to Starlight's cottage.


Double Diamond followed the path on the map. Starlight had sent him on a special mission. She didn't tell him what she needed this information for, but he didn't care. He was just glad Starlight still needed him. He was sure Starlight would start to trust Trixie with all this stuff from now on. He didn't like how close they were getting. He worked hard to get close to Starlight, and Trixie just comes right on in and destroys in all. He wanted her gone.

But he would deal with her later. Right now he needed to get to ponyville quickly. Starlight had given him a map that showed him the way there. Then she showed him the hidden place under her bed. She told him to sneak out of the house through it. The mission was to get information on somepony named Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

It had been a while since he had ever been anywhere else besides the village. Starlight used makeup to create a fake cutie mark on him so he doesn't draw any attention to himself. He didn't understand why since the reason for the whole equal thing was to make everypony equal. He thought it would be best to get it out to every pony. But she didn't like the idea too much. She said the world wasn't ready for it just yet. When he tried to question her, she got mad. Then she suggested maybe getting Trixie to do it. Double Diamond had immediately dropped it and begged Starlight to let him do this. She agreed and sent him on his way.

He wasn't sure what to expect. He'd have to find some way to get close to the pony. Starlight was specific on what information she wanted. And Double Diamond was determined to get it.

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