Chapter 35 ~ It's over

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Trixie landed face first on the ground, back to the day she had discovered Starlight's village. Relieved, she took a second to sit there and breathe. It took a second before she realized she didn't have any time to waste. Running out of the room, she past the main six, ignoring their questions and shouts. She ran to the train station, ignoring any glares she received.

Once the train stopped at her stop, she got off. She could hear a nearby filly asking about her equal sign cutie mark but ignored it. There was no point in explaining.

Running towards the village, she came just in time to see another her, obviously pulling her wagon towards the town. Without thinking, Trixie tackled her, almost knocking the wagon down. The other Trixie screamed.

"What the-," the second Trixie yelled.

"Listen," Trixie said. "I'm you from the future. Don't go to that town. They're... They're a cult! They will brainwash you and steal your cutie mark!" She showed her cutie mark as proof.


"I know this is going to be hard to believe but you have to trust me on this. I... I can't go through all that again!" She begged, getting off the second Trixie. "Please! Don't go there."

The second Trixie stared at her before nodding. Trixie thanked her, running off before she could ask any questions.

After that, she took her time getting back to Twilight's castle, knowing it wouldn't be so easy getting back in. When she got there, she was surprised to see it empty. That's when she realized they wouldn't have known just what kind of damage that map could do. Stepping back on the table, she paniced a bit. How was she going to start up the map and get home? 

Suddenly, the map started up on its own, Trixie starting to float up. She looked around, confused as to what was happening. Just before she was carried away, she saw Twilight smiling up at her. But something seemed off. This Twilight was glowing and didn't seem angry or shocked to see Trixie. Just as she was carried away, the Twilight disappeared.

... Months Later ... 

It had been months since everything had taken place. Equestria continued on as normal, cutie marks and all. Ponies continued glaring and hating on Trixie, but she didn't care. She wished she could brag about how she saved the world and how they should be thankful, but knew no one would believe her. Besides, that was something she'd rather pretend didn't happen.

She continued her travels, using magic for the littlest things. She just couldn't get enough of having her cutie mark back. It still wasn't all that powerful but she didn't care. She just wanted to keep preforming for the ponies, hoping to earn their trust again one day. 

That's when she decided to pay another visit to ponyville. That's where her career ended and that's where it could also restart. She planned everything an began traveling there. After setting up and posting flyers around town, she took a quick stop at the spa, wanting to relax a bit. She was never truly relaxed since everything happened, always a bit on edge that Starlight might come back or something. 

She heard another pony come in and be seated in the chair behind her. Hoping to perhaps make a friend before they realized who she was, she began talking. To her surprise, the person understood her struggles. Only problem was the voice sounded so similar. But she couldn't place her hoof on it. Not till they both finished and came face to face with each other. Trixie held back a gasp as she came face to face with Starlight. Starlight had a different mane style, her cutie mark, and seemed different. It took Trixie a second to realize she wouldn't remember anything that had happened. She asked Starlight a bit about her past, wondering what she was doing here and not in her town. 

Hearing about the whole time travel and being stopped by Twilight made Trixie a bit bitter. She was the one who stopped her first. But after hearing about how much Starlight had changed, Trixie felt happy. She could have a normal friendship with this pony now. And so they did.

The two became best friends, preforming with each other and even going on a road trip together. Trixie couldn't have been happier. There were times, however, where she was a little scared to be around Starlight. It was clear Starlight still had her issues, and even cast a spell on the mane six so they would do whatever she says. Sure, it wasn't her full intention, but still scared Trixie. But for the most part, Starlight wasn't a threat to her anymore. And Trixie soon ended up finding less and less glares her way. The ponies of ponyville started to forgive her for her past. Probably because she was friends with Twilight's pupil. But she didn't mind that. 

Atleast the world wasn't in destruction.


🌿:0 It is the end. Sorry this story wasn't really all that good. It might be obvious by the fact that I always forget to update it (like now) but I just lost insterest in this. I only continued to write it because some people seemed to like it and I always hate when I like a story and someone just stops writing it and leaves it on a cliffhanger. But it's over now. Unfortunatly, I do not see myself making another mlp story. Well, I will be doing a book on my OC's backstories. But that's about it. Hope you all enjoyed this story. Byeeee.🌿

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