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(Btw, the girl at the top is not Mallorie, its just a pic of the outfit she is wearing)

6:43 pm; 817; Tay's crib

Tay watched Mallorie get ready for his club opening intently, his eyes boggling out of his head. A black leather bandeau lace up top and a black leather thigh length skirt that exposed the sides of her ass and legs was what she had decided to wear.

"Hell nah. You know how many niggas gon be lookin at ya? I don't wanna be killing nobody tonight. Take that shit off now." Tay licked his lips.

"What's your name baby?" She flipped her hair over her shoulder and stared at him.

"Tay K." She pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth and gave him a small smirk.

"Exactly. Tay K. My favorite rapper, my favorite nigga. I will not talk to any other nigga tonight unless it's you, Santana, or Pimp. Got it?" He nodded and pulled her in for a hug, tightly squeezing her ass with one of his hands and chuckling as she gasped.

"What shorty? You thought i was just gon let you sit here in front of me looking fine as hell and i wasn't gon touch you? You insane baby." He chuckled and gave her a harsh smack on her ass before walking downstairs. Pimp, Santana, Diego, and Nick were already downstairs ready to go.

"What we waiting for Tay?" Santana rolled up a backwoods.

"My lil baby." As if on cue, Mallorie walked down the steps and everyone's mouth fell open.

"Tay baby have you seen my phone?" She searched the surface of the counter.

"Yeah shorty i got it. Gimme kiss." She connected his lips with his.

"Y'all better stop fucking looking at her." He slapped the countertop, making all the boys look away from Mallorie.

"No te preocupes papi. Solo me mojo para tu." She whispered lightly in his ear, lightly biting his lobe, smirking as she thought he didn't know what she said.

"You not the only spanish ting I've fucked with, i know exactly what you talkin bout. I'll just have to see when we alone." He smirked back at her as her mouth fell open.

"Nah, lets dip Tay. You finna be late." Santana chuckled and led the way out of the house and to the car.

7:12 pm; 817; Pimp's car

Mallorie was on Tay's lap, his arms resting around her protectively.

"What songs are you singing tonight?" She asked him, her green eyes boring into his.

"Megaman, the race, and murder she wrote. But imma sing two more songs for a specific person. Just listen out for em." He smiled.

"We here Tay." Tay nodded.

"Make sure you keep a good eye on her Pimp. Ion want no niggas looking at her, trying to talk to her, trying to touch her. And please make sure she's safe. Ion play bout this one." He gestured to Mallorie and Pimp nodded.

"Let's take a picture before your concert baby." She wrapped one of her arms around his neck and he laid his head on her breast. Her tongue came out of her mouth to his lips to meet his tongue. She looked straight at the camera and captioned the picture.

Malloriemaui: I don't play bout this one

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Malloriemaui: I don't play bout this one. Good luck baby 💕

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They arrived at the venue, people lined up outside to see Tay.

"Remember to listen out for the songs shorty, I'll see you soon." He kissed her on her cheek before entering through the back entrance.

The concert was in full swing by 9:30. Tay was doing so good, occasionally sneaking peeks and smiles at Mallorie in the corner of the venue. Pimp was standing next to her.

"I see the way that nigga looks at you. Tay has never looked at a female like that unless it was his momma. You got his attention." Mallorie blushed.

"Hopefully. I really want something real with him. I wanna hold him down, keep him out of trouble, support him in his career, and so much more." The beat of lemonade started blaring through the speaker.

"She drinks lemonade, i drink lipton. Juggs are Minute Maid, nigga come and get some." Mallorie instantly smiled.

"Why you cheesin like that." Pimp laughed.

"When Tay came to Miami, he asked me what my two favorite songs were from him. And i told him Saran pack and lemonade. He asked me again when i moved here just to make sure i didn't change em, and he's singing them tonight when he didn't have to."

"Told you. He down to try for you Mal." Mallorie grinned.


11:42 pm; 817; Backstage

Tay was sitting backstage with all of his crew and friends waiting for his baby to come see him.

"I'm so proud of you baby! You did so good." She came in and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks Mal." He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a small kiss.

"Aye Tay! This fine ass jawn your shorty?" One of his friends whistled.

"Yeah Shawn, this my shorty. Now shut the fuck up before i pistol whip the fuck outta you." Mallorie couldn't help but giggle. When Tay got jealous and got possessive over her it was cute.

"What you laughing for cutie?" He chuckled and she shook her head.

"Sometimes you forget that i am all for you. It don't matter if they talk about me, I'm yours." Tay had never found a shorty who talked to him like that. She had the sweetest tone, and was so gentle with him. He couldn't ever find that in the girls he had met in Arlington.

"I'm gonna go back home and help my mom get some work done. You can come over later, okay?" He nodded and she pecked his lips, strutting out of the room.

"Yo Tay, that's a dime piece on my momma." Shawn said, fidgeting with the blunt in his hand.

"I know nigga. My shorty know she bad. She straight from the 305."

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