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"Shit." Mallorie mumbled and dialed her boyfriend immediately, silently praying that he would pick up the phone. On the last ring, he answered.

"You straight?"

"No. Kayden and his opps outside my house." Tay went silent and only the sound of a car engine was heard.

"I'm on my way shorty, just stay inside. And if you hear gunshots, don't look out the window." Three beeps sounded in her ear, signaling he had hung up. She peeped through the window, seeing even Antoine leaned up against Kayden's car. The person she trusted was an opp. Next to Antoine stood Camila, tied with a rope.

"Kayden is holding Camila hostage and I know Glizzy is gonna flip the fuck out." Mariana came rushing in the room, locking the door behind her. Suddenly, four loud bangs occurred and the three girls froze. The sounds had come from downstairs,  and were now getting louder. The two rushed over to the door, running across the hall as Mallorie had to stay under the bed for fear of being caught. The door busted open, Mallorie immediately realizing the sound of her ex boyfriend's voice.

"Where you at babygirl?" He let the pet name roll off his tongue with ease and fear took over Mallorie's body. She bit her lip to suppress any noise she could make at any moment. She saw only his shoes walking around to the end of the bed. She silently prayed that her boyfriend would come rescue her. Suddenly, two hands gripped onto her ankles tightly, dragging her out from under the bed. She screamed, thrashing in his arms.

"Kayden stop, please." She whimpered and forcefully shoved his chest as he forced himself on top of her.

"You know I used to do you so good lil baby. You would make so much noise for me, remember that? That nigga can't ever compare to me." He motioned to the framed picture Mallorie had of herself and Tay in Miami together.

"N-no, I don't want this." She screamed and thrashed, but he was too strong. He pinned her hands down with one of his and used his other to pull off his shirt.

"Wrong ass move nigga."  A deep voice echoed through the room and four gunshots were fired. Kayden's body collapsed on top of her, his blood seeping into her clothes. Tay pushed Kayden's body off of his girlfriend, watching her break down in front of him. She started to sob, throwing her arms around his torso tightly. 

"Its alright shorty, its over now." He whispered, kissing the top of her head.

"Come on, im having everyone stay at my crib tonight." She nodded and he lifted her small body up, holding her with one hand and his choppa in the other. She took a peek at Kayden's lifeless body, making her shiver. 

"Imma have my boss take care of that. Yeen got nun to worry about." He walked outside of her house, looking at the lifeless bodies laying on the ground.

"Don't open your eyes." She obeyed her boyfriend, knowing that she would be traumatized if she opened her eyes. She hid her face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his strong scent. 

"I'll always protect you, thats on god shorty." 

11:41 pm; Tay's house

"Get in, I made sure it's warm." Tay motioned to the bathtub filled with bubbles. 

"Thank you." She could almost cry, she was so thankful for him. She rid herself of her bloody clothes and stepped into the tub, sinking down into the warm water. Tay sat on the ledge, watching her tie her curly hair up into a bun. 

"I've been waiting to tell you this shorty, and i didnt know when to tell you. But imma tell you now. I got offered a world tour, but its for four years." The tears welled back up in her eyes. Her baby was going to live his dream, but she knew he couldn't live his dream having her and the tour together. 

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