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"I can't believe you ate my fucking cookie."  Mallorie glared at her boyfriend, all of her features fuming.

"Did I? Too bad shorty." He laughed in her face and took his phone out, his face quickly converting to anger.

"Tay!" Mallorie snatched Tay's phone from his hands. She saw Kayden's user pop up on his instagram notifications.

"Don't be paying him no attention baby."

"Mal, he bout to run up wit some hope and run off as a ghost." Tay shook his head while scoffing. Kayden had been throwing slick shots at him all week like he wasn't gonna shoot his ass.

"Don't waste perfectly good bullets on his dumb ass." Mallorie straddled his lap, earning a smirk from Tay.

"This what you tryna do?" She bit her lip and nodded.


"Word shorty?" He whispered and admired her frame on top of his lap.
She nodded again and leaned in to kiss him, playing with the ends of his shirt. He pulled his shirt up from the neckline and pulled it up over his head. He realized she thought she was in control, and she was dead wrong if she thought that was gonna slide. He flipped them over so he was on top, resulting in a whine from her.

"Shut up." He started to attack her neck with kisses, sucking and nipping at her skin. Her white bandeau top was thrown across the room along with her shorts.

"Tay." She whined as he rubbed at her clit.

"Wassup baby?" He knew she was getting sensitive by the way her legs trembled.

"Do something, please." She was to the point of frustration where she could pull all of her hair out. He chuckled and pulled down her panties, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as soon as he saw how wet she was.

"Haven't eaten you out in the past three months. Can I get a taste shorty? Please." He made a pleading face and practically begged and she nodded down at him.

"Fuck." He mumbled and aggressively pulled her legs up to rest on his shoulders. His hands slid to the back of her knees, bending them slightly.

"Oh fuck." Her hands ran through his hair as his mouth attached to her clit. Tay would never get over how good she tasted whenever he ate her out.

"Tay." She whimpered and curled her toes as he slid two fingers inside of her.

"Just like that baby?" He bit his lip to keep himself from groaning. The way she was going crazy for him was making him hard as a rock.

"Mhm." Her head flew back and her body tensed up as she was getting closer and closer.

"Shorty." He mumbled softly, his eyes watching his fingers pump in and out of her, glistening every time he pulled them out.

"Fuck Tay." She stretched his name out and trembled as she released under him. Tay held his bottom lip tightly between his teeth as he watched her. He connected his mouth to her clit, desperate for a taste of what he had been missing the last three months. He couldn't help but groan against her as he tasted how sweet she was, resulting in a shiver running through her body.

"Real shit now." She nodded and reached over to the nightstand to grab a condom. She tore the packet open with her teeth, her eyes on Tay's the whole time. He covered both of them with the blanket and kissed her. As he slid in, his teeth immediately took his bottom lip hostage. The girl was so tight, he almost busted as soon as he went in. He stopped for a moment to find an object in the room. He focused on it for about 4 minutes and got back to business. He was stroking her slow but still forceful.

"Look at me lil baby." He quietly mumbled as her eyes screwed shut.

"That's so good Tay." Her sentence was chopped up as her voice broke.

"Oh yeah shorty?" He had a tight grip on her thighs and sped up his pace quickly, grunts falling from his lips.
She was to the point of screaming from how good he was doing her.

"Tay." Mallorie whimpered as a delicious feeling bubbled in her stomach.

"Me too baby. Just hang on for me." He mumbled and rested his forehead against hers, breathing heavily as he got closer and closer.

"Love you so much." She squeaked, lifting her hips to meet his as she came.

"Love you too. Fuck shorty." He rested his head in the crook of her neck, a moan slipping past his lips as he released.


"WHERE DID YOU LEAVE THE BACKWOODS NIGGA! SWEAR TO GOD IMMA KIL- shittt." Nick stood at the door, wide eyed.

"Nahmir, get the fuck out nigga." He groaned and tried to cover Mallorie with the blanket as best as he could.

"Shit. Told you they was going at it." Pimp stood next to Nick in the doorway.

"I know yall heard her fucking screaming daddy, stop frontin." He grumbled and looked down at Mallorie.

"Sorry bout them shorty." He whispered into her ear and kissed right under it, making a shiver run down her spine.

"When I'm finna get a taste Tay?" Pimp laughed.

"Where my fuckin glock at?" Tay reached over to the nightstand and Mallorie laughed and held him in place.

"It's okay Tay, just tell them to get out so I can get clothes on." He looked back at the two fools in the doorway.

"Yall heard her. Get the fuck out." Tay shook his head as they shut the door and made moaning noises outside.

"Can't even fuck you in peace." He mumbled and threw her a pair of loose sweatpants. She gave him a pout and he glared at her.

"Put the damn pout away. None of them needa be eyein you like you a fuckin peace of meat." She reluctantly tried to drag on the pants before her legs numbed and gave out. He chuckled and lifted her onto the bed, sliding the pants onto her small body. She stretched her arms out to him, his arms scooping her up and bringing her downstairs. Sofia was sitting on the couch, cuddling up to Shawn.

"Yall ain't got no chill." Shawn shook his head and laughed.

"We gon have chill when you get fucked nigga." Tay slapped the back of his neck.

"Which will be very soon." Sofia smirked. Tay made a disgusted face.

"Hell no. Shawn if youre stupid enough to fuck her, get yourself tested. Hell I'm even about to get tested too. The stds are radiating off her skin." Mallorie folded her arms and shot Sofia a smirk as she flared her nostrils and clenched her fists.

"Fucking bitch. I'm from fucking Atlanta and I ain't gonna take this shit from you."

"And I'm from fucking Miami, where we beat ass just for looking at someone wrong. So wassup? You so lucky I haven't got ya ass yet." The two girls kept throwing shots.

"I know I ain't hear you raising your voice and tryna intimidate my girl, Sofia." He emphasized her name, letting it roll off his tongue with a disgusted tone.

"No Taymor." She rolled her eyes and sat back down next to Shawn.

"What I fucking thought. I must be hearing things."

1:54 am; Tay's house

Two sharp knocks sounded on Tay's door, awaking him from his sleep.
He walked downstairs and opened the door, his hand coming up to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Mariana stood on the other side of the door, her cheeks stained with tears.

"What's up witchu Mari?" He took her into his arms.

"Kayden just showed up at our house and Mallorie is gone."

Tay's whole world shattered as he heard the last three words.

"He so fucking dead." He didn't even bother to put on a shirt. He grabbed his choppa from the counter and took Mariana's hand, the search for his girlfriend starting immediately.

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