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"I can't fucking stand him. He's doing this shit on purpose." Mallorie was absolutely furious. How the hell would Tay even dare to tell her she could join them if she felt like it?

"I know he is. He told us he's tryna get you to your breaking point so you will get back with him." Nick laughed and slung his arm around Leinna's shoulders.

"He's definitely not getting me back by fucking Sofia while I'm in the same house. Since he wants to fucking play that game, we can fucking play it." Her long acrylic nails made tapping sounds against her phone screen as she texted Antoine.

"Oh god. It's finna be a fatality up in here tonight." Nick groaned.

Within the next thirty minutes, Antoine was standing at the front door, waiting for Mallorie.
Santana answered and was taken aback. He knew that if Tay came down here, it would be a riot.

"Antoine!" She squealed and hugged him.

"Hey Mal." He chuckled and hugged her back.

"You remember what we're doing right?" He nodded and she smirked.

"Let's get it on then."

She led him to the couch and sat on his lap. At the same time, Tay walked downstairs and sat on the couch, his shirt obsolete which drew Mallorie's attention.

"Where's Sofia?" Santana threw him a blunt.
His eyes looked directly into hers and she could almost feel the daggers he was shooting at her.

"My shit put her to sleep." A smirk came across his face and she wanted to slap it off.

"She sleeping in my fucking bed Tay???" Santana dashed up the stairs.

"Mal, lemme talk to you for a minute in the kitchen. Alone." He didn't even let her respond and got up to walk into the kitchen.

As soon as she walked into the kitchen, Tay's hands gripped on her waist tightly, sure to leave bruises for the next hour.

"You love to fucking play, don't you shorty?" She smirked and grabbed his neck.

"You're just mad cause I'm beating your ass at your own game." His eyes turned to a darker shade than they had been. He shoved her against the pantry door, a loud bang occurring as she hit it.

"What fucking game you talking about?"

"You just fucked Sofia. So, I'm gonna fuck Antoine."

"Bitch you not fucking nobody but me. I ain't even fuck her, you woulda heard her from downstairs if I did." He smirked and she knew he was right, but she didn't wanna admit to it.

"Lying ass."

"You really fucking asking for it, huh? Guess what babygirl? It don't fucking work like that. Get your shit and get in my fucking car now. If you not in that damn car by the time I'm ready, I swear to god I'm blowing yo fucking head off." He stormed out of the kitchen angrily and Mallorie bit her lip. Mad Tay was always the best Tay, but she knew better than to try him any further. She walked outside back to the living room and gathered all of her things. Tay came back downstairs and gripped on her arm, turning to Antoine.

"Don't touch what's mine again, I swear to god imma run you these bullets nigga. Lets go." He pulled her out the door and outside to the car.

"Oh so you wanna be quiet now? What happened to all that fucking attitude?" His hands gripped the steering wheel as he started to drive down the road.

"Sorry Tay." She whimpered quietly as his hand gripped onto her thigh.

"There ain't no saying sorry now shorty. You fucked yourself over bad. Now you in for it." He kept his eyes on the road.

"Tay." Her legs started to shake as he started to rub up and down her thigh.

"Shut up." He snapped and stopped at the red light, leaning over to suck on her neck harshly. She decided to play along with him to get him aggressive.

"Don't fucking tell me to shut up." She rolled her eyes.

"You just fucking wait till we get home bitch." He was furious and she could tell, so she decided to shut up.

When they pulled up at Tay's house, Mallorie's insides jumped. She was so in for it after the way she talked to him, she was a little bit scared.


"You know where the key is. Go the fuck inside and go to my room. I want you completely naked, face down ass up by the time I get in there. Got that?" She nodded and scurried up to his porch, grabbing the spare key under the mat and dashing up to his room. She stripped herself of her clothes quickly, knowing not to try Tay any further. She got on the bed in the position he said, making sure to arch her back.

"Glad you know how to follow directions." She whimpered at the sound of his deep voice and chewed on her lip. His hands kneaded her ass and he leaned forward to whisper into her ear.

"Turn over for me, lemme see what I been missing the last couple months." She turned over and laid on her back, his eyes roaming everywhere.

"Enough with the nice shit, I'm ready to teach your bold ass a lesson." He unbuckled his belt while leaning forward to kiss her.

Once all of his clothes were off, he grabbed her throat and slammed inside of her.

"Fuck Tay!" She whimpered and gripped onto his shoulders.

"Shut up and fucking take it." He had no mercy on her and made sure she felt every stroke he was giving to her. He leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Tell Daddy you love him shorty."

"I love you." She gasped as he hit the perfect spot.

"Who you love shorty? What's my name?" His hands reached down to grab her legs and settled them on his shoulders.

"Daddy." He smirked down at her as she writhed beneath him, releasing the same time he did. He still kept going, the pain beginning to increase for Mallorie.

"Tay." She whimpered, her legs trying to clamp together.

"Don't do that shit. I warned yo ass that I was gonna beat this fucking pussy up, maybe you'll learn how to be fucking respectful." Her leg was hitched around his waist and the sounds of skin slapping filled the room.

"I'll be respectf-ful." Moans and whimpers tumbled from her lips.

"Oh yeah princess? We'll fucking see bout that." He could tell she was close again by the faces she was making.

"Cum for me shorty." She cried his name out, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and her body writhing. Watching her was his favorite thing to do during sex, he didn't even care if he didn't get to cum. He pulled out and watched her rub the insides of her thighs, a small whimper falling from her lips.

"You're gonna have to carry me."

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