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A/N: filler :( sorry y'all.

"Look at y'all two all wrapped up together and shit." Leinna cooed and Mariana pushed apart the shades forcefully.


"Tay, tell them to get out." Mallorie whined and draped her leg over her boyfriends waist.

"Get the fuck out." He mumbled and nuzzled his face into Mallorie's neck.

"Guess we're just gonna have to take Mallorie's bracelet and Tay's glock." Mariana reached for Tay's gun and he shot up, gripping tightly on her wrist.

"Don't you dare touch my baby." That woke up Mallorie, who sat up and shot Tay a dirty look.

"Thought I was your baby."

"Y'all are too much, i can't deal. Wake y'all asses up, we hungry." Leinna threw a pillow at them and walked out of the room.

"Ugh." Mallorie whined and plopped back down on the bed, landing on her stomach.

"Get up shorty." Tay delivered a harsh smack onto her ass and squeezed it tightly, earning a small yelp from her.

"I'm up, I'm up. Jesus Tay." Tay chuckled as she rubbed over the visual handprints that were on her butt.

Once the two had showered and walked out to the living room to meet the rest of their friends, all of them had worried looks on their faces.

"What's up? Y'all niggas seen sum?" Tay let go of Mallorie's hand and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Yeah nigga. 12 on our ass." Santana motioned to the tv.

"Caleb Albright was last seen at the Neon Flamingo nightclub before his house burned down shortly an hour later. Police are not sure whether Albright was killed in the fire or not, but he is on our list of missing suspects and police are working hard to find out the cause of this tragedy." Mallorie chewed on her lip nervously and Tay looked over at her.

"Ain't shit to worry about shorty. The house burned. They ain't gon find no fingerprints or nun. They can't even find the niggas body. We straight. And if we not straight, then it don't matter cause we leavin for Arlington in the next three days anyways. I ain't gon let shit happen to you." Mallorie nodded but couldn't even look him in his eye. He knew she was scared.

"Take a ride with me. We'll be back goons." He grabbed Mallorie's hand and walked outside to the car.

"We gon be straight alright? But I wanna talk to you about something. When we get back to Arlington, I want you to meet my momma. I've never let no girl meet my momma except Taylor."

"What if she doesn't like me?" He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"You right she won't like you. She'll love you."

Mallorie giggled and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"I really hope so." Suddenly, sirens blared in the distance, making Mallorie jump.

"Fuck man." Tay mumbled.

"Please tell me you left the glock back there baby." Mallorie looked at him with pleading eyes.

"You really think I ever go anywhere without my glock?" Mallorie shook her head.

"Gimme the gun." He looked at her if she was crazy.

"Hell nah. Ain't no way in hell im letting you get busted for possession."

"Trust me Tay." He handed her the gun and she shoved it under her dress as the officer approached the car.

"Hello sir, can i see your license and registration please?" Tay nodded and handed him the papers while the officer took a good look at Tay.

"You're Tay K right? My son listens to your music all the time man." Tay chuckled.

"Tell him i appreciate it sir."

"You're good to go Mr. McIntyre, just make sure you're going the right speed." The officer smiled and walked back to his car.

"Told you it would be alright baby." She pulled the gun out from under her dress and placed a light kiss on it before setting it back into the waistband of his pants.

"Whatchu wanna do today shorty?"

"Chill with the rest and go to the beach with just you later."

"We can arrange that."

8:12 pm; 305; Miami Beach

The sun was now setting, the sky painted deep shades of pink and orange.

"Nah shorty, step to the right." Tay chuckled as Mallorie stumbled in the sand. His hands covered her eyes and he led her to where he had something set up for her. She stepped to the right.

"Now look." He removed his hands and she gasped.

"Tay, you did all this for me?" A small blanket was sprawled out and there was a pink box with a bow on it next to a big McDonald's bag.

"Yeah shorty. Gettin a lil soft spot for you," He smiled, "open the present." Her fingers worked on unraveling the bow and she lifted up the lid of the box, gasping as she saw what was inside. A gun, almost similar to Tay's, but it was custom made with her name on it.

"You like it?" He chuckled as she was speechless.

"I love it Tay." She whimpered in delight and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"And you got me food." She smiled and patted the area next to her. He sat down next to her, smiling as she stuffed her face with the food.


Around 30 minutes later, Tay and Mallorie were still on the blanket and Tay was digging into Mallorie faster and faster.

"Always wanted to fuck you on this beach." He mumbled as she whimpered in his ear.

"Fuck Tay." She moaned and came around him. His phone started to ring in the distance.


"Baby it's your manager." She reached over and passed him his phone as he sucked his teeth.

"He can wait." The only thing he was focused on was satisfying his girlfriend under him.

"No, answer the phone." He rolled his eyes and quickly put on his clothes, pressing the green answer button.

"Wassup Ezra....nah I'm in Miami with shorty....seriously? That's crazy....Of course.... Thanks man."

"What's up?" She bore her green eyes into his brown ones.

"I'm going on tour in two weeks shorty."

A/N: sorry for all the fillers guys. Promise the next chapters will be better.

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