Part 2

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*Ashley's POV* 

I peered out of my bedroom window, at the silver van parked on the street in front of the house. The door slid open and Max jumped out. 

I opened my bedroom window wide, and stuck my head out.

"Ash, are you two ready yet?" He shouted.

"Uhhhhm, do you want the truth or a lie?" I laughed.

"Lie," he chuckled.

"Well then, yes! We are completely and utterly packed!" I said.

"Just hurry up," he said, shaking his head and getting back into the van.

I went back to doing my make up when suddenly my bedroom door swung open and three guys came running at me.

"Well this is awkward," I giggled, as a thin but muscular guy landed on top of me. Along with an incredible hot guy that had just fallen through my bedroom door, towards Max. 

"Tom, get off of my Ashley." Max laughed, helping me to get out of his incredibly strong grasp that he had on me.

I was about to say something, when I heard Samantha shouting.

*Samantha's POV* 

‘What the fu...’ I shouted, as I felt people jumping on my bed.

‘So, are you Samantha? I have a 50% chance of being right so I guessed,’ A young looking boy with a baseball hat on asked. I quickly recalled all the conversations me and Max had, had when he was telling me about his band mates. This must have be Nathan.

‘Yes, that's me, now please get off me,’ I laughed, pushing him and a tall, tanned boy off of my bed.

‘MAX?!’ I shouted, as he wandered into my room, followed by Ashley, and two other boys. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran up to giving him a massive hug. I hadn’t seen Max for years! I had completely forgotten that I was only wearing shorts and a t-shirt that I had decided to wear to bed last night because it was so warm, in front of 4 stunning guys that I had never met before in my life...not forgetting that I had no makeup on and my hair was like a birds nest...

‘Samantha! He replied... It’s so good to see you and Ashleeeey again! Now go and get ready so we can go back to ours, we don’t have a lot of time! Max sighed as he wondered down stairs to make the boys and us some breakfast. 

Did they seriously just travel to our house, to come and pick us up?! I can’t believe they wanted to see us that badly, that they couldn’t just wait one more day...I thought to myself as I looked for something to wear.

Nathan was still just standing there in my room looking at my posters and pictures that I had dotted around; my empty case lay empty on my floor as I went into the bathroom and quickly pulled on some jeans and a hoodie and threw my hair up in messy bun. 

By the time I got back to my room, I noticed that Nathan had managed to pack my case for me. 

‘aww Thankyou Nathan, but you really didn’t need to do that’ I said as I gave him a hug.

‘I wanted to help’ he smiled. ‘I’ve just put in a bit of everything that I could find’ He winked. 

Thats so sweet. As we made our way downstairs to find Max, Jay and Siva in the kitchen, munching on some toast and drinking some tea. Typical lads, always eating!

*Ashley’s POV* 

Tom had stayed upstairs with me whilst I attempted to pack, I had no idea what I’d need to take with me. Straightners? Make-up? Tops? Jeans? A dress? Heals?...did I have everything I thought to myself, looking down at Tom who had made himself pretty comfortable just lying on my bed as he watched me dashing about trying to fit more stuff into my case. 

‘I’m sure you’ve got everything babe’ Tom replied giving me a cheeky wink as he got up and closed my case for me, before taking it down stairs and leaving it at the door...

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