Part 24

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*Jay’s POV* 

I was bored. I hated not having any plans. I wandered along the corridor debating on who to go and annoy. Tom and ashley? Or nathan and samantha? I stood in the corridor contemplating my decision.

“Best go with Tom and Ashley, just in case,” I mumbled to myself, I didn’t like Nathan and Samantha’s track record.

I knocked on the door as ashley came and opened it. “Hey guys, what you up too? I’m soooooo bored!” I complained.

“Just chatting, trying to decide on what to do,” she smiled, stepping to the side to let me in.

“Why don’t we play some pranks on the others?” Tom suggested.

“Sounds good to me,” Ashley giggled.

“Chap door runaway it is then” I chuckled heading out towards the corridor

“Who first?” Ashley asked looking at me then Tom.

“Siva and then Max?” He replied looking mysterious.

“Come on then,” Ashley smiled mischieviously running down the hall.

I chapped the door and we hid around the corner. The door opened “who’s there?” Siva asked. He went back inside, and Ashley ran back up again, chapping it and running back. We stood behind the wall trying not to laugh. “This isn’t funny guys” he shouted looking about for someone to blame. This time I ran up, chapping the door and glancing back at Tom and Ashley. 

Silly move.

The door opened before I could chap it and Siva jumped out, almost giving me a heart attack, as i landed on the floor.

“Alright there Jay?” He questioned.

“Hi seeev, I was just going to ask you if you wanted to go to the cinema?” I winged it. “Very funny, now where are the rest of them!” He asked laughing.

“Mind if I join in the game?” Siva asked me, and looked around the corner to Tom and Ashley.

“Of course not, your going to max’s door tho” I chucked.

“Deal,’ he chuckled.

He ran up to the door and banged on it like a mad man, he must have done it about 9 times before running off down the corridor. We all hid, as we heard Max obviously worried by the knock “calm down, calm down I’m coming!” He shouted opening the door and looking up and down the corridor… “Very funny Parker! Where the fuck you hiding?” He chuckled.

*Ashley’s POV* 

” I love how he automatically blamed me” Tom chuckled before he slunk back into his room, as Tom run up this time, also frantically hitting the door. He opened the door instantly almost hitting his face. Max grabbed him and wrestled him to the ground, begining to start a play fight.

“Please don’t kill each other,” I giggled, hovering over them both and laughing.

“Common let’s go get Samantha and Nathan!” Jay laughed.

I ran up to their door, and started chapping it. I waited, and waited, and waited, as the boys joined me.

The 5 of us repeatively knocked on the door…no answer. Suddenly, a loud ringing sounded over the speakers.

“What the hell is that?” Tom perked up.

“I think it’s the fire alarm,” I said, looking around frantically.

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