Part 5

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*Ashley's POV* 

"Samanthaaaaa! What are you wearing tonight?" I laughed, running across the hall to her room. This place was huge!

"Well, it's a sort of pool party, so..." She hesitated.

"I just have these shorts over my bikini at the moment, but I think I might change for..." Was all I managed, as Samantha's door burst open and Tom and Nathan burst in wearing their trunks.

"Hi?" Samantha said, confusion in her voice.

"Hi," Nathan chuckled, running at her and pulling her over his shoulder. I saw Tom running towards me.

"Tom, what are you two doing?!'" I laughed, as his strong arms pulled me over his shoulder.

"You'll see," he chuckled, as he and Nathan ran downstairs with us over their shoulders.

"By the way Ash, I like your shorts," Tom said, as we reached the bottom of the stairs, and turned towards the outdoor pool.

"Thanks," I laughed, "Tom, please don't do what I think you're going to..." I said, as the realisation hit me.

"Too late!" Nathan chuckled, as he and Tom jumped into the pool, with us still over their shoulders

"Nathan, I'm going to kill you!" Samantha laughed, as she jumped on his back after resurfacing in the pool.

We heard someone clearing their throat. It was Max and the other boys.

Samantha froze as she jumped off Nathan's back, we both assumed Max wasn’t going to be happy with what he had just witnessed. 

'Tom! Nathan! What the hell are you doing?' Max shouted cheekily, ‘these two poor girls have spent all day getting ready for you just to chuck them in the pool. Imagine doing such a thing’ Max chuckled.

‘hmmm sorry?’ Nathan laughed to himself. 

That was enough to send Samantha over the edge as she pounced on his back and began splashing him in the face again. 

‘Haha your going to regret that one Skyes’ Max laughed before dive bombing into the pool along with Jay and Seev. 

We all splashed each other like the children that we are, before having a massive game of volleyball. 

‘Ashleys in my team’ Tom shouted excitedly pulling her up so she was now sat on his shoulders...

‘Well I’m with Tom, since he is the only one any good at this game’ Max shouted along with Jay.

‘Great, so i’m stuck with the two babies...good one guys’ Siva muttered, clearly unimpressed. 

The game began and just as Max had suspected our side won, Tom was over the moon, whilst Siva stropped off being the diva that he is. Sam and Nath didn’t look too bothered about it, to be honest it looked as if they were just enjoying being in each other’s company more than anything. 

*Tom's POV* 

We all decided to get out the pool and get changed into some dry clothes, before getting the party started with some drink!

I dashed upstairs, quickly got dried and changed in to some Nike trackies and my white ‘sick’ top, after all it was it a lovely day outside a perfect opportunity for me to top up my tan. 

There were footsteps out in the hallway, peeking my head out my door, Samantha and Ashley were there looking as beautiful as ever. Ashley was wearing a lovely denim skirt with a light blue top and heals, with her bikini on underneath. Samantha was stood next to Nathan wearing a pink dress, matching heals and a pink bikini on underneath. 

‘Time to get LETHEREDZ!’ I shouted as I took Ashleys hand and ran towards the kitchen for some drink...Tonight was going to be a night to remember!

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