Part 31

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*Nathan’s POV* 

Everyone was still at the party, getting drunk. Ashley and Tom were the only sensible ones who left early to get packed. Out of the rest of us, I think it was only jay who had packed.

“Sam, we should probably go home and pack,” I chuckled to her.

“Right now?” He begged looking over at Max.

“Yeah, and don’t worry I’m going to make sure its not just us leaving, neither of those two have packed either” he laughed pointing at Jay and Max.

“Fine, come on then,” she grinned, pulling me out to a taxi. By the time we got home it was nearly 1:30am.

She dragged me upstairs and into our room, giggling uncontrollably.

“Samantha, we need to get packing!” I sighed

“Nathan…what’s this?” She asked shocked looking at the case tom must have put in our room.

“It’s yours, I couldn’t resist,” I smiled, handing it over to her.

“Nathan, it’s lovely!” She smiled, kissing me. “And I love the NS that you’ve added onto it also!” She giggled pointing at it.

“Well, it just shows everyone once again that you’re my girl, no-one elses,” I winked.

“I love being your girl” I smiled.

“I love you being my girl,” I smiled at her.

She leaned up and kissed me gently, “everything about today has been perfect! Thank you so much for everything” she said happily.

“Anything for my baby girl, anything,” I grinned, pushing her hair back from her eyes. Her eyes sparked, I loved seeing her this happy. “You’re perferct,” I stated, kissing her. She closed her eyes, smiling into the kiss. I smiled on return, tangling my hands in her hair, as she pulled me closer towards her. “Saaaam we really should pack,” I mumbled against her lips.

She ignored my comment and continued kissing me, edging closer towards the bed.

“I’m serious Sam,” I chuckled, as she slowly pushed me down on our bed.

“So am I” she winked, before quickly pulling my top off.

She ran her hands down my chest slowly, and I sighed, giving in to her.

“As soon as we’re finished we need to pack, deal?” I offered as a compromise.

“Mhmmmm,” she winked, kissing my neck hungrily. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t even listening. I tangled my fingers in her hair pulling her as close to me as possible. She pushed herself back so that she was sitting on my thighs, and I groaned at the loss of her lips on mine. She slowly started unbuckling my belt.

She’s moved at an agonisingly slow speed when removing my jeans, smiling at my reactions as she did. I needed more contact, as I lay there in temptation.

“Looking good baby,” she smiled, kissing up my leg and up my chest, until she was facing me. I gazed into her eyes, as she looked down at me, her lips very slowly lowering down towards mine. She let her lips graze mine for a second, before pulling away.

“Maybe you’re right, maybe we should pack,” she smirked, sitting back from me. I sat up quickly and grabbed her wrists, pushing her down before I straddled her waist. “Your not going anywhere” I chuckled as I held her hands down by her side.

“But baby, we need to pack our clothes,” she grinned.

“Mhhhhhmmmm” I replied sarcastically just like she had done earlier.

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