Part 10

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*Siva’s POV* 

Back at home everybody was chillin out after a productive day at the photo shoot. It was great, the photographer really liked the girls being in the photos, and they looked absolutely beautiful. We had decided to order in some pizza and have a movie night, as a way of ending such a great day. I was last one into the lounge… Samantha, Nathan and Max were all huddled together on the sofa. Samantha was sat in between the guys with her head rested on Nathan chest and her feet up on Max’s lap, making herself quite at home. Ashley and Tom, were both snuggled up together on the chair, whispering away to each other. To be honest I don’t even want to know what they were talking about. Jay was sprawled out on the other sofa, the selfish git! Leaving me with the floor for comfort!

*an hour later* 

Everyone was sat watching the movie, I had made some popcorn and brought in some drinks for everybody but I couldn’t help notice Samantha wasn’t paying that much attention to the movie and she hadn’t drank any of her drink or try some of my amazing popcorn, instead she rested her head Nathans chest, gazing out into the middle of nowhere. Something was definitely up, this wasn’t like her, and normally she’d be munching, drinking and chatting away. But she wasn’t. I didn’t know what was up with her, and after only knowing her for a couple of days, it didn’t feel right if I were to get involved in whatever was wrong. I didn’t know her well enough and the last thing I wanted was to make matters worse, so instead I got out my phone and decided it was best to text max, he’d know what to do.

“Sorry mate, I couldn’t help but notice that Samantha’s been really quiet tonight, she’s not touched any of food and drink I brought in, and she’s been gazing into the middle of nowhere for a while. I think somethings up max. Sorry I didn’t think it was right me saying something to her, I don’t know her well enough yet mate, but I thought you should know. – Seeev ”

I could sense Jay peering over my shoulder reading the text, the nosey bugger. Within seconds max’s phone vibrated in his pocket as he struggled to get it without disturbing Sam. The look on his face as he read it, turned serious as he gazed over at me, then towards Samantha, who still hadn’t budged. She was obviously in deep thought. Max nodded and mouthed the words thankyou, before rubbing her feet to get her attention, before signalling to meet him upstairs. Sam nodded and they both walked out and headed towards the stairs, in complete silence.

‘Woah! Guys what’s going on?’ Jay announced.

This grabbed everyone’s attention, as Nathan spoke up ‘I don’t know mate, she’s not been herself since we got home…’

‘Aw she’ll just be tired or something guys, don’t worry about it’ Ashley reassured ‘if anything’s wrong, Max is the man for the job; he’ll sort it out in no time’. Ashley gave everyone that ‘it’ll be okay, don’t worry about it smile’ before turning back to watch the rest of the movie. 

*meanwhile upstairs*

*Max’s POV* 

‘Hey, sis what’s up? You’ve not been yourself tonight, and us guys are starting to get a wee bit worried’ I asked as we both collapsed on my bed, side by side, staring at the ceiling. 

‘It’s pathetic max, just ignore me I’ll be fine’ 

‘Your my little sister Samantha, you and Ashley mean the world to me. I can’t ignore you when it’s obvious something’s wrong!’ I pulled her into a hug for reassurance

‘Max everybody loves you guys. You’re THE WANTED! But I suppose I’m just really worried that when the photos from todays shoot appear in the magazine, and word gets out about me and Ashley with Tom and Nathan, it’s going to ruin your careers, and that’s the last thing I ever want to happen! Your fans will go mental, especially all the younger ones who practically adore Nathan and we’ll get loads of hate! I’m sorry I suppose I’m just over thinking’ She cried into my chest. 

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