Part 21

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*warning: the start of this part is a tad bit more scary/violent than usual, don’t read it if you don’t want to* 

*Ashleys POV*

*10 minutes later* 

I started feeling strange. Even when I had been completely drunk I had never ever felt like this before. My head was thumping, I felt dizzy and my eyesight was going blurred . Why was the room spinning? Suddenly everything clicked into place, he had spiked my drink!

For the first time in my life I felt completely helpless. I had no strength left in me at all. My voice had vanished, my arms and legs felt like jelly. No matter how hard I tried to shout on Tom and Max, or even try to get there attention, I couldn’t physically move. It was then that I felt I strong hand on the lower arch of my back guiding me forcefully towards the main door. I turned around one last time, glancing up at Tom and Max. The one night Parker had decided to stay 100% sober and he hadn’t noticed this man had drugged me and was currently dragging me out the club!

“Don’t you dare scream, or everything will be 100 times worse” a cold voice whispered in my ear as we passed the bouncer at the main entrance.

As soon as we were out of sight, he gripped my wrists tight dragging me into the middle of a dark alleyway. The thing longed for more than anything in my life before was to see Max and Tom’s face again. I would have done anything just to be engulfed in one of there amazing hugs right now. I needed there help! Instead I was stood, with my back again a cold and rather sharp stone wall, his alcoholic breath lingering around my neck.

“Please… Don’t…” I said quietly, my voice coming back slightly.

“You want this just as much as me…” he said, pinning my right against the wall.

He began kissing my neck, moving down to my colar bone, as his hand roamed my body.I could feel the stones from the wall, scratching my back, it was definately going to be left bruised and cut. 

“Stop…it” I mumbled under my breath.

“No,” he growled angrily. 

I found and much strength as I could, and brought my right leg upwards, hitting him in the balls. It wasn’t the hardest I could do, but it was enough to knock him back for a few seconds. He staggered backwards, and I found all the strength I could to let out one ear peircing, desperate scream, one final cry for help.

“That’s it bitch, I warned you,” he growled, grabbing my shoulders and throwing me to the ground, getting on top of me. He quickly unzipped my dress throwing it away down the alleyway. “I told you screaming would only make things worse” he hissed. He unbuckled his belt urgently, his hand remained covering my mouth. 

There was nothing more I could do. 

*meanwhile back in the club*

*Tom’s POV* 

“Guys, who was that man ashley left with?” Siva questioned. 

“What man?” Max replied confused “she hasn’t been with anyone all night, she just went to the bar a couple of minutes ago”

“She literally just left with some man, out the main enterance.” He said, pointing towards the front door. My eyes went wide, and I jumped to my feet before anyone else had a chance, I ran.

“Tom! Wait up” the others yelled 

“Where the fuck is she?” I shouted looking about frantically for her.

“He took her round there,” the bouncer stated, pointing to the alley way. Oh no, please no. I prayed I wasn’t too late.

“Ashley! Ashley!” I yelled, running towards the alleyway. “ASHLEY where are you!” 

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