Part 12

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*Samantha’s POV* 

We walked slowly along the beach back to the boys, we had agreed that we couldn’t tell max. He’d flip if he knew about everything that had happened in the past between me and mark that we hadn’t told him about, so we agreed to keep quiet and just be on our guard for now.

As soon as the boys came into view, Ashley stopped me and gave me a huge hug reassuring me that everything was alright. My makeup was a mess and it was clear that I had been crying, my mascara had ran down my face. I looked like a panda. Ashley ran her thumbs under my eyes, clearing them of the remaining tears before we headed in the direction of the boys.

“Hey, are you okay babe?” Nathan asked, hugging when he noticed I’d been crying.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” I said unconvincingly. 

“Nath, sorry for being a bit blunt earlier, it was just really important,” Ashley said to Nathan. 

“It’s fine, come here!” He said, giving her a hug as well.

”Seriously though Sam, are you sure your okay?” Nathan asked obviously unconvinced by my response pulling me into another massive bear hug after Ashley had abandoned him to go sit with Tom. Nathans hugs were the best, I felt safe in his arms like nothing could ever hurt me, especially mark.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist pulling him as close to me as possible. I couldn’t loose Nathan. I couldn’t let Mark hurt him like the way he hurt Ashley. Out the corner of my eye I could sense another 5 sets of eyes from the ground looking up at us, watching us closely…Tom, Ashley, Jay, Siva and Max…

Jay coughed signaling that the hug was lasting just a bit too long and with that nathan loosened his grip and pulled away. Immediately I tightened my grip and pulled him closer again this time letting my emotions get the better of me and began sobbing into his chest. 

“Come on, I’ll take you back to the house,” Nathan said, holding me up as we headed back up the beach again.

*Ashley’s POV* 

“what was that all about?” Max asked curiously. “I can’t tell you,” I replied.

‘Ashley don’t give me that, my little sisters crying her heart out and you won’t tell me what’s going on! What’s happened Ashley?’ Max asked again this time his voice slightly louder.

“No, I won’t tell you. I can’t tell you, and you’re just going to have to trust me!” I said simply, not meeting his gaze.

I turned to face the opposite direction resting my head on toms chest. I hated not being able to tell max everything that had happened. Believe me I wanted to, but sam on the other hand thought it’d make everything 10 times worse. She didn’t want max pittying her for the rest of her life, looking down on her and becoming even more protective that what he already was. I suppose if it had been me I would want the same. I’ll just need to be on my guard 24/7 now. This weekend away was going to be so stressful!

The rest of that day went past pretty quickly. I could tell Max was suspicious of us and he was still pretty pissed with me, I hated that but there was nothing I could do! I couldn’t relax enough to sunbathe, considering every time I closed my eyes or let my guard down, any little noise would make my head snap up in case it was Mark!

‘Common babe, we’re going down to the sea, you need something to cheer you up’ tom suggested picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder and sprinting off down towards the water. 


“arghhh Tom!” I screamed once I had resurfaced only to be cut of by his lips gently crashing down onto mine.

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