Part 4

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*Siva’s POV* 

*Back At The House* 

When we got home I helped Max get the girls cases out of the van, everyone disappeared quickly, obviously wanting to show the girls around the house. 

By the time max and I got into the house, the girls, Tom and Nathan were all upstairs whilst Jay was stood in the kitchen, opening the beers! 

'Party tonight Jay?' Max said rather excited

'Yeahhh! Why not! It can be a welcome party for the girls?' Jay replied

'PARTY!!' I shouted

There was screams of 'yasssss party! :)' from upstairs in response to me shouting!

Tonight was going to be so GOOD!

‘Guys, whilst your both in the kitchen, can I ask you something?’

‘Sure mate, go for it’ Max and Jay replied

‘Okay, was it just me or did Ashley and Tom and then Nathan and Samantha seem really close earlier on in the van?’ I asked on a more serious note.

‘Yeah mate, I was going to say the same thing.’ Jay responded looking at Max curiously.

‘I have no idea what’s going on, but I did notice Tom had his arm around Ashley ever since we left their house, and they blanked practically everything in the van apart from eachother. Then when Seev and Samantha swapped seats...what was that all about eh Seev? Max replied taking a sip of his beer.

‘I just done what Nath told me mate...I got a text from him saying to switch seats with her at the next set of traffic lights...’ Siva muttered, confusion in his voice. 

‘Also was it just me that noticed that Sam and Nath both listened to my ipod, after Sam asked for it?’ Max asked curiously....

‘ahaha yip! I was going to mention that Max, when you turned to look out the window, they had a bit of a ‘moment’...’ Siva stated

‘A moment? What’cha talking about Seev?’ Jay interrupted as Max looked rather serious at what Siva was about to say.

‘I just noticed them both looking at each other, every so often, then I’m assuming once whatever song they were listening to finished. Samantha was gazing up at Nathan, before he done the same. Not to mention she then placed her hand on his thigh...? If that’s not a moment, then I don’t what is.’ Siva chuckled. 

Right we’ll just need to keep an eye on them, agreed?’ Max concluded taking another long slip of his beer.

‘Agreed’ Jay and Siva said enthusiastically. 

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