Part 7

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*Nathans’s POV* 

WOW. Did Max really just give us that last dare. Result! I’ve wanted this to happen all day. I’m going to need to thank Max tomorrow for this. 

*Samantha’s POV* 

‘Goodnight Max’ I whispered as I gave him a tight hug goodnight.

‘See you in the morning sis, enjoy the rest of your night with Nathan, No need to thank me for that last dare. I could sense the sexual tension between Ashley and Tom then you and Nathan all day, it’s been driving us boys mad. Jay and Seeev even caught on to the whole situation hence why they’ve went to bed so ‘early’ Max chuckled as he lightly kissed my forehead. 

I sighed....’typical’

‘Now listen Sam, I don’t want to see you or Ashley getting hurt, and to be honest Tom and Nathan seem like two genuine blokes. Yes Tom’s been a bit of a player in the past, seems as if he’s actually fallen for Ash. Do me one favour though and just be careful eh? After all Ashley and you are both my little baby sisters and it’s my responsibly to keep you safe. I don’t want to see you rushing into anything and then having regrets so just take care okay?’

I nodded as Max looked me in the eyes double checking that I had listened carefully to his ‘brotherly pep talk’. We had these talks occasionally normally when there was a guy involved but I suppose he was only looking out for us. I loved being so close to Max he always had my back no matter what. He would know when something was wrong, and he was always there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. More often or not, it was always one of those ‘ I told you so moments’, but still he would never say that, instead he’d just listen to me cry my eyes out, make some hot chocolate for us to share and then we’d cuddle up on the sofa and watch movies all day. Me and Ashley were so grateful towards Max, he was the best protective but relaxed big brother anybody could ask for. 

‘You know I love you right?’ I smiled as I kissed him on the cheek. ‘Thank you Max, now go to bed you look shattered.’

‘Okay night guys, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do’ Max said cheekily with his good boy smile, before giving Ashley a goodnight hug and making his way upstairs to bed. 

‘Finally we’re alone at last babe’ Tom stated before pulling Ashley over to sit on his lap. It was only a matter of seconds before he lent down and began to kiss her passionately. If I’m being honest, it looked as if they had been waiting to do that all night...just waiting until Max went off to bed, so they didn’t have to worry about the whole situation being awkward around him. 

Nathan stood up with our drinks in his hand, leaving Ashley and Tom to it, as I made my way over to Nathan, not really wanting to interrupt Ashley and Tom’s game of tonsil tennis that they had going on. 

‘Common babe, we’re going for a walk’ Nathan chuckled before interlocking his fingers between mine as we made our way down to the wall at the bottom of the garden. 

As we finished off, what must have been our 12th drink of the evening, I think we could officially say in the words of Thomas we were ‘letheredz’. 

I rested my head on Nathan shoulder as we sat in a rather comfortable silence gazing up into the clear night sky. The temperature had dropped significantly in the last 10 minutes and I could feel goosebumps on my arms; after all I was only wearing a little summer dress. 

Nathan must have seen me shiver as he put his can down and wrapped his arms around my waist before pulling me tight into his chest for a hug. Nathan was sat only wearing a t-shirt yet his body heat, heated me up in no time. 

With my head resting on Nathans chest, everything felt right. I had only known him for just over a day, yet I already felt as though I could trust him completely. He didn’t seem like any other guy who just wanted to get drunk and pull. Nathan was different, from what I had experienced, he genuinely cared!

I looked up and my eyes met Nathans. ‘Did I tell you, you look beautiful tonight Samantha?’ Nathan whispered before leaning down towards me. I could feel his warm breath on my face, before he placed his soft, gently lips onto mine. I could feel the butterflies taking over my stomach as Nathan smiled into the kiss. I ran my hands through his lush brown hair as I felt Nathans hands gently running up and down my sides. It was perfect. As I pulled away, Nathans eyes flickered open as he searched mine, trying to figure out what I was thinking. 

‘I believe we’ve got a dare to complete Skyes’ I whispered into his ear before taking his hand and heading back towards the house. It was nearing 1am, Ashley and Tom where no longer sat making out at the table...

‘Looks like they’ve already bet us too it’ Nath winked seductively before running off upstairs in the direction of his room. The corridor was long, with lots of doors at either side. They all had their own room with one spare room at the end of the corridor next to the bathroom which Ashley and I were supposed to be sharing... well not tonight anyway... Nathan disappeared into what I assumed was his room, going by the names on the door; Jay and Max were at either side of his room. 

‘Jeeeessuuuuus Nath.... we’re going to need to be quiet, you never told me Max’s room was next door. I whispered worryingly, following Nath into his room. 

‘BANG!’ Nathan had slammed the door shut as he pinned me up against it. 

‘Nathan. Didn’t you hear what I just said? Max is right next door, we’re going to need to be quiet!’

‘Shhhh babe, It’s alright, he’ll be sound asleep by now, he came up to bed almost an hour ago, don’t worry about it.’

‘but Na...’ before I had time to finish off my sentence Nathans lips came crashing down onto mine. His touch sent shivers through me, his fingers lingered at the bottom of my back, before rising up to the zip of my dress and unzipping it. I tugged Nathans top off him in between kisses and threw it over to the corner of the room...somewhere. I began to plant kisses over Nathans chest as he carried me over towards his bed. I could feel Nathans warm breath on my face, as he leaned down and kissed me more passionately than before....

To Be Continued ♥ 

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