Part 30

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*Tom’s POV* 

I followed Ashley outside, trying to calm her down. She truely hated mark. What gave him the right to try and ruin the girls birthday.

“Ughhh!” She snarled, kicking the plan pot.

“Don’t let him ruin your day princess, you need to just ignore it. Right now your giving him everything that he wants.” I sighed hugging her.

“But he’s such an arsehole, I think he’s the only person who can make me this angry,” she growled.

“And that’s exactly what he wants, that’s his intention…he wants to make you so angry that it’ll ruin your birthday” I replied kissing her neck softly.

“I suppose,” she sighed, giving in to me.

“Common babe, I’ve got a suprise waiting for you up stairs!” I smiled.

“Hmmm, now where have I heard that before,” she winked.

“Cheeky,” I chuckled, chasing her upstairs into our room. She sat on the bed, as I reached into the wardrobe and pulled of a beautiful dark purple dress.

She gasped, as I walked towards her.

“You didn’t?!” She said.

“I did, I wanted you to have something new to wear for tonight” I smiled. She took it from me, and laid it gently on the chair.

“You already gave me my present,” she smiled, hugging me.

“Well this is an extra one” I chuckled

“Thank you,” she said, kissing me.

“I think its time you began getting ready, your limo will be here for you and sam soon” I laughed.

“Spoilsport,” she mumbled, smiling at me.

“I wish you were going to be here tonight baby, now I can’t even repay you for your gifts,” she pouted.

“You’ll just need to do that tomorrow when we get home instead” I grinned passing her the dress.

“You can count on it,” she winked, taking the dress and walking into the bathroom. She reappease five minutes later.

“Well?” She smirked, biting her lip.

“It looks amazing ash” I winked, “Really? You sure?” She smiled, slipping her heels and and walking towards me.

“I would do anything to be able to stay here tonight” I gasped.

“And why is that?” She asked, innocently playing with the colar of my t-shirt.

“I think you know the answer to that” I chuckled.

“To admire me in my dress?” She said.

“Hmmmm of course” I replied, playing with her hair.

“Let me guess, to admire me out of my dress?” She whispered playfully in my ear. She knew that she was teasing me, little did she know that I would be back here tonight…

“Sam, Ash, the limo’s here,” Max called up the stairs.

“Looks like it’ll need to wait,” she breathed, running her hands down my stomach before heading out of the room.

“Enjoy tonight girls!” Jay and siva both cheered waving bye to us.

“We will, have fun at the gig!” Samantah called back.

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