Part 8

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*Ashley’s POV* 

‘Wow, that was amazing Thomas!’ I smiled, pulling away from his lips.

‘Well I suppose we’ll need to thank Max for setting us two up eh?’ Tom chuckled

‘Yeah we definitely do’

I looked over to the bedside table at my phone which was flashing away... 2 unread text messages from Max. What could he possible want at this time in the morning?

Message One 

‘No need to thank me for the dare Ashley, hope you have an amazing night, just call me ‘cupid’ :p oh and before I forgot, just like I said to Samantha, just be careful eh? I don’t want to seem like the annoying big brother, but you know I’m just looking out for you yeah? (: Love you <3 –Max xx

Message Two 

‘hmmm sounds like your having a great time with parker ;) ...keep it down eh? Others are trying to sleep ya know –Max xx

‘Did Max seriously just text me that?’ I blushed thinking about it. I felt a warm breath on the side of my cheek as I realised Tom had shuffled over so he too was peering at my text. So bloody nosey! I thought to myself

‘Heeeey, don’t worry about it babe, I’m sure Max is just taking the piss. He’s ‘Letheredz’ he’ll have forgotten all about it in the morning...

‘hmmm I hope so’ I sighed as Tom wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me down so my head was rested carefully on the middle of his chest. Hearing his heartbeat comforted me, I knew I was safe in his arms. He kissed me gently on the top of my head, as he ran his fingers through my hair. I looked down at Tom’s naked body, it was perfection and it was all mine. I ran my fingers down his torso drawing shapes as I done so. He flinched when I reached his side....

‘oooo tickly are we parker’ I laughed getting up so I was straddled over him. 

‘Not as tickly as you’re going to be in a minute’ he chuckled. Before I had time to react, he had me pinned down underneath him as he tickled my sides uncontrollably. 

‘STOP IT!’ I screamed trying to wriggle myself out of his tight grasp.

‘No chance!’ he whispered back, with his good boy smile plastered on his face.

‘TOM I CAN’T BREATHE....PLEASEEEEEEE!’ I shouted again, maybe just a bit too loud...considering everyone else apart from Nathan and Samantha were fast asleep. 

He continued to tickle me, I couldn’t move! I giggled and giggled and giggled with the occasional ‘TOM!’ and ‘PLEASE STOP IT!’ getting shouted. 

‘Okay, copy me....Thomas Parker I love you to the moon and back. You have such a perfect body and you’re the best kisser in the world!’ Tom laughed as he continued to tickle me.

‘Never!’ I replied

My sides were in so much pain, I couldn’t take this any longer...

‘Okay, Okay!! I give up! ’ I shouted ’Thomas Parker I love you to the moon and back. You have such a perfect body and you’re the best kisser in the world!’

‘Now that wasn’t that hard to do was it?’ He smiled as he released me from his grip and leant down, before crashing his powerful lips onto mine.

‘Ashley, Ashley are you okay??!!’ That’s all I heard before the bedroom door swung open. Jay was stood there only wearing a pair of blue boxers. Behind him Siva stood clutching on to an old baseball bat. 

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