Part 14

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*Tom’s POV* 

Thank god she came around! My heart stopped beating for a second there. “She back, she’s breathing!” Max said, and I breathed sigh of relief. suddenly, she let out squeal of pain, it was horrible.

“Damn, she’s alive. I thought I’d finally gone and finished the job this time! Got rid of that vile thing once and for all,” Mark smirked.

With that my temper rose and I punched him, over and over again. He deserved everything that he got. Nathan and max both helped me, it was good to get revenge on behalf of the girls. The amubulance crew arrived shortly after and me and max went to the hospital with Ashley. She had lost a lot of blood and was being taken to theatre immediately. The rest to the boys and samantha got a taxi and met us at the hospital.

“My baby sister,” Max whispered. “What if something happens? She was so badly injured,” he said, a few tears escaping his eyes.

“Everything will be fine Max, she’s a fighter, she’s strong.” I reassured him, although I was thinking the exact same thing. The waiting was excruciating. It was just the 4 of us in the waiting room. A nurse had taken Samantha to be checked over, just in case and Nathan had gone with her.

*An Hour later* 

Nathan and Samantha returned, she was still a bit shaken up but she only had to get a few stitches here and there. Nathan had given her his hoodie and the nurse generously found her some trackies to put on. The next stage was a waiting game.

“What’s taking them so long” I asked getting furstrated now at the time it had taken. 

“Calm down mate, they’re doing everything they can” siva encouraged. 

*Samantha’s POV* 

“I’ll be back in a second nath” I whispered kissing his on check. Tom was pacing up and down the corridors and it wasn’t doing anyone any good. 

“Common,” I told him, linking my arms through his and walking down and out towards the main entrance. Once we got outside I raided his pockets until I found his fags, lighting one I gave it to him “have that, you look like you need one” 

We sat on the bench in silence, “she’ll be okay y’know, she’s a fighter thomas” I reassured. 

“I’ve never been so scared before ashley, I’ve not known you girls long but when we got that phone call from you earlier, I honestly felt as if a part of my had been lost. I love her samantha!”

“I know you do,” I soothed, “I’m sorry Tom,” I said, looking at the ground. 

“what?” He asked, confused. 

“This is all my fault.” She said, “if she wasn’t trying to protect me, she would never have gotten hurt,” I sighed.

“Oh Sam, don’t think like that,” he said, pulling me into a hug. “Mark was a psycho, and there’s no way you couls have changed that. None of this is your fault. Ashley loves you, and would have rather put herself in danger, than put you in. That’s one of the reasons I love her.” He said, a tear forming in his eye.

Back inside ashley was out of theatre and resting, she had pulled through with only a minimal amount of serious injuries. Nothing life threatning. She had had some internal bleeding from where he had punched her repeatedly in the stomach, some bad scratched on her face and some broken ribs. Apart from that it was mostly cuts and bruises, especially around the neck and abdomen.

“Can we see her?” I asked the nurse. “She has to rest right now,” the nurse said, “I’m afraid I can only allow one person to stay with her overnight, who will it be?” The nurse asked, looking between us.

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