Part 19

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I stood there disgusted in what I was witnessing, the guy that I loved getting it on with some randomer. I felt my heart breaking into a million pieces. I knew from the start that he was a player, max had always warned me of him, but I thought he had changed. My knees began to tremble, as I rubbed my eyes trying to remove the image from my head. Maybe it was all just a dream. No. This was real! Then they saw me.

“Here, you might want to use this,” I said with disgust, throwing it at them. I had to leave. I had to get out of here. I didn’t want my bag, I didn’t want to tell the others about it, I just wanted away from this place.

I ran for the front door, and stormed out slamming it behind me. I spied Pixie Lott and Jessie J so I gave them a quickly wave so I didn’t come across as being rude, before running down the drive and along the street.

To be honest, I had no idea where I was. I had no idea how to get home. I didn’t even know where I was going, I just knew I needed far away from all this.

Tears streamed down my face, I couldn’t believe I had been stupid enough to believe all his lies about wanting to change, I had been so stupid.

“What am I going to do?” I mumbled to myself, slowing my pace to a walk.

*Max’s POV* 

“Sam! Where’s ashley?” Tom shouted fustrated as he rushed into join the group, his belt undone and his jeans sitting loosely. 

“She’s with you is she not” sam questioned.

He hesitated, looking at the floor. He didn’t reply, instead he buckled up his belt again, looking around the room wearily, glancing at some random girl in the corner, who in my opinion looked a little worse for wear.

I had my suspicions, but I didn’t say anything because I saw what she got out of her bag and flashed at Samantha earlier on, so it could be nothing. Sam tried ringing her, but her phone was off. 

“Come on Sam, let’s have a quick look for her,” I said.

She linked onto my arm, as we walked the streets of london. 

“Max, I got a really bad feeling about this” samantha said honestly.

“Me tooo, but right now we just need to find her” I reassured.

“She couldn’t have gotten far, her bags back there so she hasn’t got any money for a taxi.” I said.

After walking for abour fifteen minutes, we spotted someone sitting on a wall at the end of a garden.

Samantha ran up to her and embraced her in a hug, I could hear her crying as I approached. She looked up at me, I could see the devastation in her eyes,

“I hate him max” she whispered.

“what do you mean you hate him? You hate who?” Samantha asked her. 

“Tom, I hate him.” She mumbled. 

“What happened Ash?” I asked, sitting beside her. I think I already knew, but I needed her to confirm it.

“You were right about him all along” she replied burying her head into my chest.

“We were in the toilets fooling around, and he didn’t have any protection,” she mumbled. “I went to get some, I couldn’t have been gone more than two minutes! When I got back, he was already fucking some girl,” she cried.

Anger filled me. “I’m going to kill him,” I roared, standing up. 

“No, please, please just stay for now, both of you,” sahe cried, pulling me back.

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