Part 32

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PART 32 

*Ashley’s POV* 

*2 hours Later* 

“I’m boreeeed!” I sighed, running my hands through my hair. The film finished about half an hour again. We all started talking apart from Max who was sat listening to his ipod still, eyes closed. 

“How’re you two getting on over there?” Nathan chuckled 

“Bored as hell!” Tom laughed.

“We can’t do anything over here! Max is watching us like a hawk” I sighed

“Ash… He’s a sleep you muppet!” Jay chuckled, pointing towards Max.

“But I bet as soon as I got to move he’ll wake up! Watch” I sighed beginning to stand up.

He stirred, and his eyes sprung open,”where you off to?” He asked as the others burst out laughing.

“Jesus christ, the bathroom!” I sighed, walking off.

“Your going no where Parker” I heard him instructing towards tom, who sighed and looked out the window. I stood waiting in the queue for a while, when I saw Tom getting up and walking towards the line.

“So he finally let you free?” I giggled.

“Yeah, I told him there was two bathrooms, and unless he let me go he’d be cleaning the mess.” He chuckled.

“He’s doing my head in,” I pouted.

“Tell me about it,” he laughed.

Just then Max approached us in the queue “so where’s this other toilet then?” He smirked.

“Back there,” Tom said, waving his hand in the other direction. “But I can’t be arsed going to the way down there,” he added.

Max nodded, “looks like I’ll just be waiting in this queue too then” he smiled.

I shook my head in frustration, walking into the small bathroom. Why couldn’t Max just leave us both alone? He was being so annoying today. I heard Tom and Max talking quietly outside the door. I flushed the toilet to make it seem like I’d actually used the bathroom, ran the water for a few seconds and went back out.

I walked back to our seats, shocked at what I had seen. “What are you two doing?” I asked nathan and samantha who were currently moving all our belongings over to their seat and vice versa. 

“You and Tom, sit where we both were” samantha pointed to the two seats together.

“Its our turn to put up with max for a bit nathan added sitting down at th window.

“Aw, how cute are you two!” I smiled, taking my new seat. “Thanks,” I said.

“No problem,” Samantha laughed.

Tom appeared back next, I pulled him down quicklyy next to me “Why are we sitting over here?” He chuckled.

“They swapped our seats while we were gone,” I smiled cheekily.

“I owe you one!” He winked over at nath and sam, just as max wondered back. Nathan smiled back in return, as Max took his seat.

“Why is that Thomas?” I giggled.

“You’ll see” he grinned sticking his tongue out.

“What? Tom, tell me!” I said, hitting his shoulder lightly.

“Wait and see” he smiled linking his fingers in mine.

“Fine, stuff you!” I laughed childishly, sticking my tounge out. He caught my tongue with his, pressing his lips down firmly onto mine. I gasped at his suddenness, before kissing him back. I could hear a faint cough in the background, choosing to ignore it.

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