Part 33

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PART 33 

*Ashley’s POV* 

*The Next Morning* 

Tom was lying asleep on his back, so I grabbed his wrapped up beats, and stradled his stomach.

“Happy Birthday baby,” I said, waking him up with a kiss.

“Good morning beautiful” he smiled back, as his eyes glanced over me.

“See something you like?” I giggled.

“Hell yeah,” he winked.

“Like I said, happy birthday,” I smiled, handing him is present.

“Ashley, you didn’t need to get me another present, you’ve already given my the trip of a lifetime!” He smiled as he sat up and began to unwrap it.

“Yes I did, Part 2,” I smiled, waiting for his reaction and hoping he would like them. His facial expression said it all, as he grinned with joy. “I needed new ones!” He chuckled “I love them!!!” He smiled excitedly.

“How cute are you?” I smiled sweetly as he grinned up at me like and excited child on Christmas. He leaned up and kissed me, before pulling me down so that he was on top, his body weight pressing down on me, as he kissed me passionately. “Thank you baby girl” he whispered inbetween kisses.

“Anything for my boy, anything!” I said, deeping the kiss. He groaned against my lips.

“Part 3,” I breathed.

I could feel him smiling against my lips, at the idea.

I took his lip between my teeth and pulled it roughly. I wanted to make him as happy as he made me. He whimpered beneath me, groaning in pleasure as I moved my hands downwards. I smiled, loving how much power I had over him at the moment. I slowly grabbed his joggers, and pulled them off, throwing them away.

I could never get fed up of seeing his perfect body infront of me. It wad perfection!

“Why are you so perfect? I feel so out of place,” I breathed, kissing back up towards his face.

“Your my princess” he smiled warmly.

“But look at you! You’re literally perfect, toned, tanned, muscled, the abs. You’re flawless.” I mumbles, my hands tracing his tattoo.

“I could say the exact same about you too babe! Now come here and give the birthday boy a kiss,” he grinned.

“That is such a huge lie!” I said, shaking my head as I planted a kiss on his lips.

“It is not” he moaned.

“Yes it is, completely and totally!” I stated, as he rolled on top of me.

“Oh shooooosh” he grinned placing kissing down my neck.

“Why are you doing that you crazy boy?” I laughed, as he bit my shoulder, and then started biting the strap on my bra.

“I want to leave you with a mark that will remind you of me” he chuckled.

“Go on then birthday boy,” I groaned, grabbing onto his hair.

“Just no where visible” I added…thinking about the mark one of my friends had got…

He smirked, and his lips moved directly onto my neck.

“Toooom, what did I just say?” I asked.

“It’ll be beautiful” he giggled.

“Sure, a big love bite right on my neck, gorgeous,” I laughed sarcastically.

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