Part 13

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*Samantha’s POV* 

‘Let her go!’ I yelled but it was no use, before I had time to react I had been shoved against the wall as marks body pressed against my skin, his hand firmly over my lips. 

His touch made me feel physically sick. What I had ever seen in this creep was beyond me, he was nothing but a drunk and abusive man who thought he could get anything that he wanted in life simply by pure force. His free hand roamed over my exposed skin on my back. It was at this point I wish I had worn a more suitable dress. I struggled…

“you’ll never be able to outrun me Samantha. You belong to me, just wait until no ones around and I will get you back. Your mine” mark hissed in my ear before freeing his grip and forcing a kiss upon me. His two mates shoved Ashley to the ground before disappearing off into the night.

“Assholes!” Ashley screamed after them, as I bent down to help her up and the boys appeared. 

“Babe, are you okay?” Tom gushed, helping her up and pulling her into a hug.

“I’m fine,” she sniffed, holding back tears.

“Babe, your arms, their bruised!” He said, his eyes widening.

“Sam, are you two okay? Seriously, what happened?!” Max asked.

“Max, I told you before, I can’t tell you,” Ashley insisted, as Tom’s arms remained firmly around her waist.

“Why? I know there’s something going on! For fucks sake Ashley, we come out and Samantha’s in tears and your on the ground, somethings obviously going on!” He shouted.

“Max, trust us, we can’t tell you,” I reasoned.

We spent the whole walk back home in silence. Max was pissed off more than ever now. As soon as we got home max stormed off to his room with a beer, Samantha wanted to spend sometime with nathan so they had taken a detour on the way home and headed down towards the sea. me and tom decided to call it a night and head to bed. I closed our room door and got a top from my bag to wear. Tom had already stripped down and was waiting in bed, so I wandered into our en suite to change. 

“Tom, can you help me a second please? My zips stuck’ I chucked from the bathroom. 

*Tom’s POV* 

Every time I was comfy I always had to move!

“Sure babe” I responded. I stood behind Ashley and moved her hair out of the way, slowly kissing her neck as I began to undo her dress. As the dress hit the floor, that’s when I noticed. The base of her back and stomach were covered in fresh bruises, the outline of arm marks could be seen, it looked as if she had been restrained.

I couldn’t believe this!

I gently ran my finger over them as she flinched, these definitely happened tonight. I caught her glance in the mirror, a tear was rolling down her face, her eyes worried and frightened. 

“Ashley, please I want to protect you and I can’t if you won’t tell me what’s going on” I said.

Instead of replying more tears streamed down her face, I had never seen Ashley cry before. Samantha yes. But Ashley always seemed to be the stronger out of the two sisters. For Ashley to cry this had to be bad! I pulled her towards me chest and kissed her hair, “common babe, let’s get some sleep and you cant tell me everything in the morning” I whispered leading her back to bed. 

*Nathan’s POV* 

Meanwhile we had decided to take a detour home along the beach.

“Sam, I’m worried.” I said, confessing my fears. “Something is going on with you and Ashley, and it’s not good. You looked terrified when we found you earlier,” I said, as we sat on the sand watching the ocean. 

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