Part 16

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*Tom’s POV* 

*50 minutes later*

“I’m going to make an ass of myself, I can feel it!” Ashley paniced, as we sat waiting for the room to be ready for us.

“You’ll be fine” max reasurred and I sealed the deal by kissing her before we entered the interview room which was full of webcams and a massive screen, which showed us exactly what the fans who were tuning in for the youstream would see. 

“Nathan, I hope you know I’m not answering anything” Samantha whispered “you started this mess, its your turn to get us out of it”

“I’ll try my best,” he replied. Me and the boys filled up the big couch facing the camera’s.

“I think since I look horrible, I’m just going to stay back here,” Ashley said, trying to balance on the back of the couch,trying not to fall off, while Samantha tried to sit beside her, the two of them wanting mostly out of view.

The youstream had just began broadcasting as this precise moment, unknown to us!

I turned around and grabbed ashleys waist, gently I pulled her down and sat her on my knee. “Your going no where” I whispered seductively. 

Still unknown to us the whole of #twfanmily had tuned into the youstream we had over 2000 viewers within seconds. 

*Nathan’s POV* 

“Why are you sitting up there sis?” Max asked

Samantha simply raised her eyebrows and hinted towards the cameras and then to me, it was clear she was finding the whole ‘hiding our relationship’ difficult especially since management had told us to keep it a secret. 

I knew this webchat was going to be difficult but there was no way she was spending the whole chat sat on the back of the sofa, while everyone else was comfy and together.

“No chance babe! Get down here!” I said authoritatively patting my lap. 

That was no use, she simply didn’t move, so in the spur of the moment I stood up and walked round to the back of the couch “what did I tell you” I chuckled with my arms out wide, as I stepped towards her trying to get her.

“Nathaaaan! Nooooo!” She giggled running away from me.

“But babeeeee, I want you to come sit next to me” I pouted, with my good boy face, sounding extremely babyish. 

“You heard him sis, he wants his girl to sit next to him” max mimicked 

“Awww baby nath can’t go half an hour without you sam” siva chuckled, still mimicking nathan

“Awww is the baby upset” tom pouted

*Samantha’s POV* 

I was too busy laughing at max, tom and siva’s attempts of mimicking nathan to realise he was behind me. He simply lifted me up and went to sit down in the corner of the sofa placing me down on his lap.

“Nath, if I’m sitting in you lap, the fans are going to get even more suspicious!” I warned him, playing with his shirt.

“I don’t care,” he winked sexily, leaning up to kiss me.

“Ah, not in public,” I breathed, turning back to face the screen, and sitting back.

“Fine, but just you wait till I get you home after this,” he whispered seductively in my ear. “We’ll be in private then,” he said, biting my ear lobe softly. His warm breath hitting my neck as he leaned back.

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