Part 11

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PART 11 

*3 hours later* 

*Tom’s POV* 

Tonight had been great, we had been celebrating now for a good 3 hours straight, the lads had invited their best friends around Taylor, Becks and Rachel. We had a bit of a quite one in with a few beers and dvds. Twitter was going mental with fans congratulating us. I think Samantha and Nathan were the only two that didn’t know we had made our relationship official. I don’t know what was up with Sam tonight, maybe it was just the pressure of what the fans will think of her and Nathan being together, I’m not too sure but she seemed pretty distant and worried. Nathan had gone upstairs with her earlier on, to try and reassure her, I’m pretty positive she’ll be fine in the morning! 

The night was drawing to an end, it was nearing 2am and people were beginning to crash in the lounge. Siva was sprawled out on the table with Taylor laid beside him. Jay sleeping under the piano and the others were all passed out on the sofas. I’m pretty sure Becks and Rachel has fallen asleep in the hall. As Ashley finished off the last of her drink, I picked her up flung her over my shoulder and ran upstairs in the direction of our room.

Tonight was definitely not over yet….

We got to our room and I put her back on her feet once we were inside. I shut the door and pushed her up against it, kissing her passionately. She yanked my top over my head, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me close to her. She giggled, as I yanked her top eagerly, leading her towards our bed. Like I said, tonight was definitely not over yet…

*Nathan’s POV*

*The Next Morning* 

I woke up the next morning at about 10am. We were all going away for the weekend to the beach house. When I got downstairs, I found Jay drinking coffee in the kitchen, and Siva still asleep under the table. Max on the other hand was sprawled across the kitchen floor, it was like the Olympics trying to move around him to make a cuppa.

“Morning mate,” I chuckled to Jay.

“Morning,” he croaked back.

“Where has Taylor, Becks and Rachel disappeared off too?” I asked, sipping my tea.

“They all went home this morning,” he said.

“Everyone’s passed out down here except Ashley and Tom,” Samantha smiled, “where are they?” She asked, making herself some tea.

“Probably in bed, I’ll go get them up,” I smiled, kissing her on the cheek and heading upstairs to Tom and Ashley’s room.

‘Tom! Ashley! GET UP! We need to go! Hurry up!’ I said.

“what? Huh?!” Ashley murmured, poking her head out of the covers.

“The beach…we’re going for the weekend! Hurry up!” 

“Okay, okay we’re coming!” Ashley said, pulling the sheets around herself as she stood up.

“10 minutes and we’re leaving guys! So wake up!” Samantha shouted from the kitchen before running upstairs, joining me in our room to get ready.

*10 minutes later*

*Ashley’s POV* 

“I hope I have everything,” I yawned, as I lazily dragged my bag out to the car.

“I’m sure you do babe, if not we’ll just have to stay in our room all weekend’’ 

Tom cheekily winked at me before helping me into the van, where we joined Max, Siva and Jay. 

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