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PART 36 

*The Wedding Day*

*Samantha’s POV* 

It was finally our big day. Our wedding!

“You look stunning Samantha!” Ashley said, “are you ready?” She smiled, as we took our places.

“Yeah, we just need Max now to walk me down the aisle” I smiled “do I look okay?” I asked her.

“You look perfect, just like a princess!” She smiled hugging me 

“Did I hear somebody talking about me?” Max chuckled as he walked out the church to come get me “you ready for this Sam?” He smiled

“One million percent!”I smiled, linking his arm on mine. Ashley linked arms with Tom first, starting us off.

Max took my arm, and walked me down the isle, to the alter.

*Nathan’s POV* 

I was stood at the alter with my back to the door as the music began to play. The day had finally arrived, I was getting to marry my baby girl. I stood nervously waiting for her to join me.

She joined me at the alter, and she looked stunning. I’m pretty sure my jaw hit the floor. I couldn’t believe how perfect she looked.

Her hair was sitting in perfect loose curls, just the way I had always admired. Her dress was gorgeous!

The time came, we gave our vows and we said the two words that I’d been dying to utter since the day we met.

“I do,” I smiled, sliding the ring on her finger.

“I do,” she also said, doing the same.

I had gone the extra mile with her ring and got it engraved, it read “Mrs Samantha Sykes Always and Forever <3” when she noticed it, it brought a tear to her eye “thankyou nathan” she whispered admiring it.

Samantha’s POV 

“You may now kiss the bride” the priest smiled.

I had been waiting for this moment all day. I looked up at him, his eyes glistening with excitement. He leaned down ever so slowly, wrapping his arms tight around my waist, I brought my hands up to his neck as he leaned down closer, his warm breath tingling my skin. “I love you Mrs Sykes” he smiled before crashing his lips down onto mine. His touch sent butterflies through my stomach as everybody cheered. 

I could hear Tom and Jay both wolf whistling in the background, as Nathan refused to part his lips with mine.

I turned to Ashley and laughed slightly, as she had tears in her eyes.

We walked back down the isle, and into the car that was taking us to the reception. It was perfect.

“That kiss at the alter Nathan Sykes was perfection at its finest” I smiled kissing him again.

“Well, I do try,” he chuckled back, kissing me again.

We reached the venue and he took my hand in his as we walked inside.

Nathan’s POV 

“Hey you two!” Ashley grinned, hugging me and Samantha tightly.

“How does it feel to married then?” Tom asked me, as Ashley went to see to Cassie.

“Its the best feeling ever, knowing that I’m going to be with my girl forever” I smiled pulling Sam close.

“It sounds like a great feeling, having a Mrs,” he chuckled.

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