Part 29

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*Nathan’s POV*

*2 hours later* 

The reception was beginning to come to an end, as people were slowly leaving. We had all had a lot to drink as we danced together on the dancefloor. 

“Why don’t we get outta here babe?” I whispered to Samantha.

“sounds good to me,” she smiled, taking my hand, and saying goodbye to everyone as she dragged me out to the taxi and back to the hotel.

“I’ve been waiting for this all day” she stated opening the hotel room door.

“Believe me, you’re not the only one,” I grinned, pushing her up against the door once it was closed.

Her fingers quickly made there way to my belt buckle and un fastened it urgently. She yanked it off, dropping it to the ground.

“Is this my surprise then baby?” I said cheekily.

“Maybe” she winked pushing me over to the bed.

“Or then again, maybe not,” she said, leaning over me.

“Baby,” he groaned impatiently.

She leaned down, kissing me more passionately then ever before,

“Okay, maybe I should show you my surprise now,” she breathed.I tried to steady my breathing as she whispered in my ear “maybe you should unzip my dress then”

I reached around her back, and grabbed the zip on her dress. I slowly pulled it down, as her dress began to slide down. Once the zip was down, I took a deep breath and pulled her dress off.

“Wow!” I stuttered “did you buy that for me?” I asked excitedly.

“What do you think,” she winked back, biting her lip.

“I love it! Its just a shame, your not going to be wearing them for very long” I smiled, rolling over so that she was lying beneath me.

“Hmmm, it really is, isn’t it,” she grinned, unbuttoning my shirt.

“It sure is” I replied cheekily.

She pulled my shirt off, and I began kissing her neck hungrily. Before leaving a trail of kissing along my collar bone,

“Nathaaaan,” she breathed happily, unbuttoning my trousers.

A quiet groan escaped from my voice as she sat up, and began removing my boxers, “samanthaaaaa” I whispered before leaning down and kissing her.

“Surprise,” she whispered in my ear. Her every touch, made butterflies errupt in my stomach. I ran my hands down her perfect body, unclipping her bra at the back.

“I love you baby,” I murmed.

*Tom’s POV* 

We called it a night, shortly after Nathan and Samantha had left. Siva and Jay were looking after sasha tonight, so that we could get some time alone.

We arrived back at the hotel, and Ashley led me upstairs to our room.

“What a perfect day,” she smiled, opening the door.

“Its about to get 100 times better!” I winked pushing her down onto the bed quickly.

“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” She laughed, kicking off her shoes.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment all day” I replied before towering over her, kissing her playfully.

“Well, better make it worth then, hadn’t I?” She said, locking her lips onto mine.

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