Part 22

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*The Next Morning*

*Tom’s POV* 

“Morning beautiful” I yawned, as I woke up with ashley still in my arms.

“Good morning handsome,” she smiled up at my, her hair tickling my chest.

“Ashley! Where are you?” I heard max shout walking from his room, to the spare, before running downstairs.

“Max! She’s up here you div!” I shouted to him.

“Wait, whaaaat?” He asked shocked, opening the bedroom door.

“Hi,” Ashley giggled, sitting up slightly. 

“I’m so confused…” Max said.

He came over so he was sat on the edge of our bed.

“We’ve decided to give it another go” ashley said smiling.I grinned again, from ear to ear. “We’re taking things slow this time,” she said.

“Well as long as your both happy” he smiled, “oh, nathans just texted they are on there way back, so get ready”

“Oh, and Tom, take care of her mate,” he said, leaving the room again.

“Will do!” I chirped back.

Ashley giggled, and stood up. “Where are you going?” I pouted. 

“To get my stuff, all my clothes and stuff is in the spare room,” she laughed.

*2 hours later* 

The front door opened, “we’re home!” Nathan called

“hey guys,” Ashley smiled, walking down the stairs. “Have a nice trip?” She asked.

“What’s got you so cheerful? And yeah it was great thanks” samantha replied smiling at nathan.

I decided to show them why she was so cheerful, so I walked downstairs and hugged Ashley, kissing her softly on the lips.

“Okay well that explains a lot” nathan laughed, as we walked in and sat with the other guys in the lounge, 

“so what did you’s two get up too then?” Max asked nathan

“We had a bit of a run in with one of Cel’s mates at a party,” Nathan said, looking at Samantha.

She took his hand and sat down on his knee. “Nathan sorted it all though” she smiled.

“What happened?” Ashley asked, standing beside the couch.

Samantha looked at nathan, giving his a slight nudge. “Ehm well… It began that morning, my parents had gone to the shops so we decided to head up to my room for a bit…well, you know,” he chuckled “and Cel and his two mates ross and mark barged in,” Samantha said.

“Whaaat, they walked in on you two?” Jay asked shocked

“Almost, we weren’t fully at it yet,” he chuckled, winking at Samantha who blushed.

“To cut a long story short, the ross creep wouldn’t take his eyes off me” samantha butted in, trying to speed the story up. “Then he threatened me and started touching me,” she shivered. “It was gross!”

Silence filled the room, “its okay nathan put him in his place” she added. After noticing max’s expression had turned worried.

“Anyway, what happened here? How did this happen?” Samantha asked pointing to me and and then to Ashley. Silence filled the room again.

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