Chapter One

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The dwarves wandered pointlessly through the forest, trying to find the long lost Elven path which would lead them safely through the forest of Mirkwood. Except the path stayed hidden and the dwarves lost. She watched quietly and jumped from tree to tree in complete silence. But what she didn't expect was that the dwarves had brought along a Hobbit from the Shire, he was climbing the tree she was crouched in. She jumped higher into the tree but the Hobbit kept climbing, the branches were getting thinner and thinner the higher she went, until she stepped upon a branch that could not take her weight. The branch snapped and she was sent tumbling past the Hobbit, except this was no ordinary woman. This woman was distantly related to the Elves, and using her quick reflexes and nimble limbs she threw herself forward and gripped a branch so hard her knuckles went white. "Thorin! Thorin! There's something up here!" the Hobbit warned the dwarves below.

Unfortunately they noticed her, and a lasso was thrown around her ankle. The woman gave a quick shriek then fell the rest of the way onto the ground. She was suddenly surrounded by a bunch of dishevelled dwarves who pointed sharp weapons at her throat, "What are you doing following us through this godforsaken place?!" an old black bearded dwarf demanded.

The only thing she gave them was a flick of her eyes upwards, a warning glance. The dwarves looked up and saw giant spiders circling them, one by one spinning them into web cages and taking them up, into the trees where they were left hanging. The woman however was long gone, she smirked in disgust at how stupid these dwarves were, watching this from a distance because she did not want to get caught in a spider's web. For her journey had not yet begun and she was eager to be done with it.

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