Chapter Seven

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The High Queen was growing very bored. The company was certainly taking their time in reaching the Mountain. The orcs were not being very helpful either. They kept killing each other which resulted in me killing more of them. My population of orc slaves was growing smaller and smaller every day. I had a thought.

“Smaug, what do you say about a little journey to the mount Gundabad?” I queried looking hopeful,

Oh My Lady what an inspiring thought, you read my mind.” He replied getting up,

I climbed up onto his back

“Bolg!” I shouted and a tall angry looking orc came up to me.

“Try to keep order and if you have to kill one of them to stop a riot then please do so.” I ordered and Smaug took off.

His great bat like wings pushing against the ground, lifting us up higher.  A short and fast fly over Mirkwood should take us right to the mountain. Sometimes I wish I was back in my homeland. Darshiva was so peaceful at this time of the year.

The orcs pushed the gates of Erebor open wide and we glided through. There was a short bang as they closed behind us. I could see the desolated city of Dale and the thriving town Esgaroth from where we were. Esgaroth lay upon the lake looking very solitary, the riches we sent them were going to good use.

My thoughts raced back to the time when it was just a small speck on the lake, back when Smaug lay unchallenged in the Lonely Mountain. Now it was bigger than it ever was and in perfect condition.

The old selfish greedy Master of Lake Town had been replaced by none other than the only other person who knew of my existence. Bain. He was a great man Bain, always treating everyone as equals and never causing me any trouble. He was also the son of Bard. This was always very good.

Every once in a while I would send them more jewels and silks so that they had more to trade with men from other lands. Also, the town was very quiet and didn’t make much noise, which pleased me greatly.

My Lady, when we arrive at the mountain, is there any chance I could eat a few of them? Because the ones we have in the Mountain are old and stale.” Smaug asked, this was the other problem, my Dragon was always yearning for something live to eat.

It took me quite a while to persuade him that the men of Esgaroth were friends not foes and that he could not eat them like he ate the people of Dale.

“I am sure a few of them could not hurt, but remember we need some slaves so don’t go wild.” I answered he bowed his head in agreement and quickened his pace.

I suppose he was excited. Another problem was the orcs didn’t take being eaten by Smaug lightly, they could never decide who was going to be eaten so I ended up just pushing one in front of the dragon and got on with things. They took everything so seriously.

“Oh Smaug you did bring the net didn’t you?” I wondered, he showed me his giant feet and I smiled. Of course he remembered the net. 

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