Chapter Four

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It was 67 years since that fatal day inside the Lonely Mountain and the Hobbit had not forgotten the look in her eyes as she tortured the dragon. Nobody knew what became of her or the dragon. They disappeared like ash floating away in the breeze. The Hobbit had unfortunately never gotten an answer to the question he had taken to his death bed. Who was she? 

A new King was on the throne and all was well in Middle Earth. Except it wasn't. An army of the dead was slowly growing in strength and would soon be ready to attack the land of Gondor. Aragorn, King of Gondor was completely blind to the rapidly growing army until one day he received word from a scout that villages were being pillaged by an unknown foe. He called upon his friends. Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm, Tauriel daughter of the forest, Faramir captain of the Gondor armies, King Eomir of Rohan, Gandalf the White, Peregrin Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Samwise Gamgee and Gimli son of Gloin. They arrived in the White city, otherwise known as Minas Tirith. Then came the day they first met her.

She threw the doors to the Kings Throne room open and stormed in, her eyes sparkling, some guards got in the way but she kicked them back, their objection seemingly useless. She reached the table they were sitting at and placed her hands on it, looking at each of them in turn. "Bow to your King." A guard commanded, she looked him in the eye and he backed off, seeing darkness in them that scared him.

"One thing you should know about me, Aragorn son of Arathorn. Is that I bow to no one." She stated looking around at the gathering of different people in the room.

Her gaze landed on Gandalf and he looked straight back quizzically, like he knew her from somewhere but could not place her.

"You need help in this war do not deny it. I offer you help. Be at Erebor as soon as you can and sitting in the Kings throne will your help be waiting." She explained then turned around and ran out the room.

Everyone stormed after her and by the time they caught up she was sitting on the edge of the platform like she was just going to fall off and pretend she was invincible.

"Is that it? Erebor has been deserted ever since the dragon was slain over 60 years ago! Who will be waiting?" Aragorn demanded,

she gave him a mischievous look and answered,

"Are you sure the Lonely Mountain is empty? Are you sure the dragon was slain all those years ago? Oh and by the way, I would not bring any Elves with you." Looking at Legolas and Tauriel.

Then she swung her legs over the side and fell. They all rushed over and looked down over the edge, she was gone. Just a memory. Who would they find lurking in the empty halls of Erebor on Durins Day?

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