Chapter Eighteen

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Pippin looked at the faces of his companions so confused. He didn’t really have a clue what happened. It was all a bit of a blur. Aragorn turned to the Hobbits looking as confused as they were.

“Aragorn, what is Eowyn doing here?” Merry asked quietly,

“I do not know master Meriadoc.” He replied,

“She could’ve followed us here.” Sam offered,

“Yes but from where?”

“From Gondor, Aragorn.”

“But she wasn’t at Gondor. “ Pippin stated, Aragorn frowned deeply. Whatever was happening around here definitely didn’t make any sense to the small Hobbit.


“My Lady I’m a little confused.” Eowyn admitted.

The stranger laughed and put her hand on Eowyns shoulder.

“It is simple, I would like you to pick a dress.” She replied gesturing to the fine clothing hanging in the wardrobes.

“And you may call me by my name Eowyn. Oh! I forgot you do not know my name.” she babbled.

This woman Eowyn had only just met did not seem to be the type to babble. She walked confidently and looked stunning. Although, there was something different about her. Eowyn could’ve sworn she saw her eyes flicker red. 

“Once you’ve picked put it on and call for me.” She explained. Eowyn nodded.

“I shall take my leave then.” She said leaving the room. Eowyn was about to ask about her eyes but stopped. It wasn’t her business.


“Hello boys. Did you miss me?” I greeted as I came back to the throne room where they were waiting.

They turned around and looked like they had seen a ghost. I smiled cheerfully and sat in the throne. Gandalf was standing in front of the Hobbits looking… grey and old. Gandalf the White had gone but Gandalf the Grey was back.

Smaug landed on the platform beside me and huffed. He put his head on his paws and closed his yellow eyes.

The Elves are contained. What of the female?” he asked politely, I smiled at him and spoke in my mind,

She is of no danger. She is the sister of the King of Rohan.” I got up from the throne and gestured for them to follow me.

Smaug lifted his head but made no attempt to move. I led them down the same stairs but into a different room to the one Eowyn was in.

“Get changed.” Was all I told them to do before going to Eowyn because she was in the dress. I smiled,

“Good choice.” I complimented, she blushed and flicked her hair out of her face.

“Let me do something about your hair.” I insisted. She knelt down and I began working on her hair.


“She wants us to get changed?” Pippin asked incredulously.

“That is what she said Pippin.” Aragorn replied unbuttoning his shirt.

Pippin looked at the outfit laid out in front of him. It was a red cotton jacket with a green waistcoat, brown trousers and a crisp white shirt. The waistcoat had buttons with little leaves on. It was a lovely little outfit but Pippin preferred what he was already wearing. Merry prodded him,

“Just get changed Pip.” He complained pulling his trousers on.

Pippin did as he was told and took his own jacket off.

“This is ridiculous, why do we need to change?” he muttered to himself.


Eowyn looked at herself in the polished mirror. She twirled and the skirt of her dress blew out, she giggled. The Lady had told her that her name was Duvaineth and that Eowyn should call her that. Duvaineth had plaited parts of her hair then put the plaits in a small circle at the back of her hair and let the rest of her hair flow out beneath it. Small flowers had been placed delicately in her hair as well like a crown made from flowers.

Eowyn turned around as the ginger Elf named Tauriel walked into the room. Tauriel was wearing a red dress which faded into white at the bottom. Her ginger hair was flowing down her back but the side bits were drawn back and plaited. It was the first time Eowyn had seen Tauriel with her hair down. She looked breathtaking.

“Eowyn, you look gorgeous in that pale orange dress.” Tauriel complimented her.

Eowyn returned the compliment and Tauriel blushed.

“I would never usually wear my hair down but it was this or being locked in a room.” She replied.

Locked in a room? What did she mean? Eowyn dismissed the thought and returned to looking at herself in the mirror. Then Duvaineth walked into the room wearing a white dress with a white corset. He dress faded into black at the end and had a small train, the dress seemed to have been made just for her. She had a diamond necklace around her neck and a beautiful diadem, with a big black diamond, rested on her head. Underneath the diamond necklace you could see another small necklace with only a black diamond on it.

Her hair was loose and flowed down her back; the red tips looked really bright against the white of her dress. A red and white cloak was thrown over her shoulder and she was carrying a tray.

“Tauriel this red one is for you and the white one for you Eowyn.” She said gesturing to the tray.

Tauriel picked up a red jewel necklace and put it on. Duvaineth walked over to Eowyn, she picked up the necklace and put it on as well. Duvaineth then gave her the red cloak. Eowyn clipped it to the sleeves of her dress. Only now could you see that Duvaineth was wearing a white cloak also. Tauriel clipped the other cloak on and looked down at herself. She laughed.

Duvaineth looked surprised. Eowyn sat down on the wooden bench.

“I shall leave you two girls alone for I suspect the boys may want an explanation.” She joked.

Eowyn smiled and as did Tauriel. Duvaineth left the room and Tauriel’s smile vanished. The ginger elf rushed over to Eowyn and sat beside her.

“Eowyn, Do you know who that woman is?” she asked.

Eowyn looked confused but answered anyway,

“No, no I do not know who she is.” Tauriel looked amazed, “Have you not read the books and scrolls in the Great library of Gondor?”

“Tauriel what is it? Who is she?”

“Whilst I was at the White City I paid a visit to that library and the history books spoke of ancient beings who walked this earth before the great Shape Changers. They spoke of beasts also,”

“Tauriel if there is a point would you kindly tell me.” Eowyn objected but Tauriel continued,

“The books spoke of people, like elves but… different, Mysterious. Giant creatures also roamed the earth and were enslaved by these people, if you can call them that.”

“Tauriel who were they?!”

“Dragon Lords.”

 I'm sorry everyone if you were expecting something exciting but i still have a little writers block and this is just a filler chapter. Sorry! Anyway the next chapter should be more interesting! Also at the moment I haven't been writing much cause I've been ccentrating on my other book. So I hope you are enjoying it and I hope you keep reading/voting!

With Love! Lady_Greenleaf_ xxxxx

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